Road Trip

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Sadie's POV.
I sat on my couch strolling through Instagram until I heard two car honks outside. I grabbed my bag and headed outside to find Caleb's red mustang with him and Finn sitting in the front. I took my bag and put it in the trunk and sat in the back.
"Okay so where are we going?" I asked as I closed the door. Finn looked at Caleb and he put his car in drive.
"We're going to get Millie then renting a car to drive."
"Why are we renting a car when we have this one?" I asked
"Because it's more fun." Finn shrugged. They drove to Millies and picked her up. She was wearing sweatpants and a cropped tank top and sneakers. She put her bag in the trunk with mine and got into the car. We drove to the car shop and looked around. We found a light blue van and said we would want to rent it for a day.
The van

We got all our bags out of the trunk and put it in the large trunk that the van had

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We got all our bags out of the trunk and put it in the large trunk that the van had. Me and Caleb got up front. This time Finn didn't complain because he got to cuddle with Millie. We all fought to see who would use the aux but I won. I had a whole playlist on apple that was dedicated to long car rides. We played it and screamed all the lyrics. Caleb and Finn laughed when me and Millie sung all the lyrics to 'say my name' from Beetlejuice. The drive that seemed like it was two minutes but was actually two hours. We ended up in Nashville. We went to a small grocery store and got a few bags of chips and then drove up hill and noticed the sun was setting and the sky was bright orange. We parked the van and all got out. We set out towels Caleb had brought and blankets. We sat in front of the van and all leaned on the van to watch the sunset.
"Hey guys, where are we sleeping tonight?" Finn asked as he and Millie were snuggling.
"We could probably rent a place. Like a house." Caleb said and pulled out his phone. (A/N idk if you can actually do that) He booked a home and said it was a 2 bed 1 bath and it would be $50 to spend the night. We all agreed to go after the sun set. Once it was night time and the stars were out we got into the car. The house was only a few minutes away. While we were driving there I got on my phone and looked at the pictures I took. I had one of me and Caleb, me and Millie, and one of all of us. We got out and it was a small house. We walked in and locked the front door. We looked around and there were two beds in a room. Me and Millie sat our bags on one bed and the boys on the other. We all changed into our sleep cloths. We went into the living room and turned on the tv. We grabbed our bags of chips and sat down. A little later it was 12 a clock and we had just finished watching suicide squad and Millie went to bed. We watch a few episodes of YouTube and Finn went to sleep. After they went to sleep it was just me and Caleb. I was reading something in my phone when I felt something hit me. I looked down and saw a cool ranch Dorito and looked at Caleb who was laughing.
"You did not just throw a chip at me!" I laughed
"You wouldn't look up from your phone." He shrugged. I gasp and put my phone down. I sat up and looked at him.
"Do you know when the premier is? For season 2?" I asked
"It'll be later, towards the end of the year."
"What do we do till then?"
"Go home i guess"
"I don't wanna" I pouted and he laughed at me.
"Me either, when are you going back?" He asked me. I was sad. I wanted to see my family but I knew I would be gone for a long time and would miss my friends.
"Probably in a few days, the 10th?" I sighed "what about you stalker? When you going back to the big city?"
"I have to be home by the end of the month. I'll be there a while, till June, Finns going home too but we're all coming back down to meet up in June and then going to Florida." He said
"Who's 'we all'?" I asked
"All the kids."
"So me and Millie are supposed to be going?" I never heard anyone mention it before.
"Yup" , if you guys can, I don't think i was supposed to mention it yet since Millie doesn't know either."
"Sure, Millies family dosent go to the beach so she'll be free."
"What about you?" He asked
"Yeah I don't do much during the summer. It's gonna be boring not be able to talk to you all though."
"You'll talk to millie plenty. And we can still FaceTime at night."
"Promise?" I held out my pinky
"You're five years old." He rolled his eyes and smiled but then linked his pinky with mine. We stayed up talking and watching movies until the sun came out. We walked into the bedroom to find Millie and Finn snuggling on one bed. I sighed and looked at Caleb.
"It's fine I'll sleep on the couch." He smiled
"Stop! It's fine I don't care I just wanna sleep." I laughed. Caleb shrugged and got into the bed. I went and got a cup of water and put it on my side table.
"What time do I need to set my alarm?" I asked as I was scrolling through my phone
"We have to be out of here by 9 so like...8" he states. I rolled my eyes thinking of how I'm only going to get roughly two hours of sleep but set my alarm. I laid on my back looking at the ceiling and before I knew it I was asleep.
Two hours later
I heard my alarm going off beside me and turned it off without opening my eyes. I huffed and was now laying on my side. I open my eyes to be blinded by the light coming through the window and went to pull the covers off me. I went to feel around and noticed that Caleb had his arm rapped around me. My face got redder than a tomato but after a minute he moved it and stretched, signaling that he was awake. I tried to breathe making my face go down a few shades. I sat up and looked to the bed beside us and noticed Millie and Finn still asleep. I looked at Caleb who was staring at the ceiling and smacked his stomach. He looked at me and yawned and I smiled at him. He was cute.
"Good morning" I could tell he was half asleep
"Morning." I yawned out. I got up and grabbed my bag and headed to the bathroom and changed. I put on my white crop top and leggings and then brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and put it into a bun. I waked out and Caleb was standing there waiting for me to get out. I moved so he could go in and walked into the kitchen and put all the chip bags into a grocery bag and thew away all the trash.
It was now 8:20 and Caleb walked in the room.
"Should we wake them?" He asked me. I nodded my head and took a pillow off the bed I slept in. It was now made so I assumes Caleb did it. I took the pillow and hit Finn and Millie in the leg.
"Get up." I said coldly. After I was sure they were awake I went back in the living room and sat on the couch beside Caleb. We waited and Millie and Finn came in both dressed.
"Finn you stole my bed last night." I said and looked up at my phone. He chuckled and sat down on a chair.
"You guys were fine I woke up at 7 to use the bathroom and you two were snuggling." Millie said while she stood in the kitchen. I heard Caleb let out a small laugh and I smiled, my cheeks getting red.
We sat there until 8:45 and Caleb asked if we were ready and we all said yes. We split the bill in half and all gave $13 so we could include tip. We all got in the car and Finn agreed to drive so him and Millie sat in the front. We made a stop a Dunkin' Donuts and Finn and Caleb got out.
"You guys coming?" Caleb looked at me
"No, it's cold and I'm sleepy" I said and smiled.
"I'm not getting out either" Millie added in
"Want anything?" Finn asked. Millie
told Finn what she wanted and I asked Caleb to get me a coffee and donut. I put the money in his hand. He rolled his eyes and I smiled brightly. He laughed and kissed me on the forehead and then shut the door, leaving my money in the seat. Millie looked at me and smiled
"Shut up." I said and blushed

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