Chapter 7 Part 1

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I walk downstairs and go behind the bar. Everyone is awake except for Aerin. Hikari and I look at each other and I cut my eye at her. She stands up and I hop over the counter. “What do you think you’re looking at?” She says coldly. “I-“

Once I’m awake I put my clothes on. What?! My clothes seem a bit smaller long ways. I’m still getting taller? I need to buy a bigger size... The shorts are now much shorter and there’s a ‘little’ more showing up top. Well I’ll just go to the market today, no biggie. I hoist my bow over one shoulder and the arrows over the other. I skip downstairs , trying not to stretch my clothes in case they might rip. I come out to the main area to see Elizabeth and a Hikari face to face. “Ugh u can’t deal with this today.” I mutter. Especially with most of us nearly drowning yesterday! This drama is just NOT needed.  “ what do you think you’re looking at?” Hikari says. Elizabeth opens her mouth and I place two arrows on my bow and hold it up. “Enough. Is enough. One more word and you might just end up with a new arrow friend permanently implanted in your skulls. I can tell that everyone is staring and I get slightly embarrassed.  “ I’d rather that than make peace with her” Elizabeth scolds “ what did I say” I reply, pulling back the strong on my bow even tighter. She gets scared and apologised but Hikari says nothing. I shoot both arrows towards her, them narrowly missing her nose and making a crack in the wall at the other side of the room. “ you missed.” I narrow my eyes at her and firmly say“ it was a warning shot.”

I watch in awe as this girl, this goddess of a woman lowers her bow, cutting her eyes at the two. I motion for her to come and sit between me and elaine and she does so. Elaine gets up to go do something and Ban slides closer to close the gap where Elaine was. He really has to ruin everything... if given the chance I would impale him like a kebab with my Spirit Spear. Aerin pours herself some ale. “So! How did you slee-“ I’m interrupted by Erik. “AERIN. What. Are. You. Wearing.” He looks angry, he is very overprotective  when it comes to her.. I look over at her and realise her clothes are SIGNIFICANTLY smaller looking than yesterday.  “Erik can down! I had another growth spurt...” she goes red in the face “ its so embarrassing. 17 and still having growth spurts.” Erik rolls his eyes , I can tell he doesn’t believe her. But I do.
She notices me staring and looks back at me- “You are bleeding again!” She says, in a very concerned manner. I look behind her and Ban can hardly contain his laughter. “ yea bud! You” he laughs “ you should really get that checked out!”  I glare at him and wipe my bloody nose with a tissue.

Aerin is so god damn oblivious! Hasn’t she worked out why King’s nose bleeds? She gets up and then there is a RIIIIIIIIP sound. She stays still, and completely tomato red. She then realised her shorts and top have ripped. Then she quickly sits down, and covers her chest. I turn away and I can hear Elaine go over to king and smack his head to make him look away. Once everyone looks away, Elaine takes Aerin upstairs. They come back down and she is wearing her own spare shorts and- wait she is wearing one of my plain cotton shirts!  “ sorry about that Ban “ she says “ You’re the closest to my height so...” she trails off and I’m taken aback and I don’t know why. “ uh, yea sure it’s fine.”

That. Was. Awkward. Poor Aerin! Even after she nearly shot me in the face. There is still definite tension between Elizabeth and me but for the most part, it has subsided. Aerin plonks onto a bar stool and slowly drinks her ale. She sighs “ I need to go to the market today... ugh” then Elaine speaks up and says “ King can come with you! He told me he has been meaning to buy some things.”

My friend is writing part 1 and 2.ALSO the picture at the start :

IS AM!! SHE DID THAT! Obviously its King, Ban and Erin!

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IS AM!! SHE DID THAT! Obviously its King, Ban and Erin!

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