2 friends meet the owner of a famous tavern called the boar hat. This was run by meliodas and the 7 deadly sins. Hikari was a kind and loving individual who had a terrible backstory. Aerin was also a kind individual but sadly had her life thrown awa...
THIRD PERSON POV: The guests start flooding in and the birthday girls are directed to grand, heightened thrones at the other side of the hall. Aerin is handed a glass of champagne and sits herself down but Hikari has trouble getting into the throne as it is quite high up and she isn’t that tall. The butlers get her a little stool to help and then she sits down and re dignifies herself. “Isn’t this amazing Hikari!” Aerin exclaims. Hikari nods excitedly And sips her champagne. Meliodas comes up to her and bows with one hand out. “Care for a dance M’lady?” Hikari blushes And takes his hand. “ why thank you kind sir” she replies and giggles. “Have fun! “ Aerin says as she waves to Hikari.
AERIN’S POV: I get up out of my throne and make my way to the snack. So many to choose from! I pick up a little canapé and take a bite. I then grimace and spit it out into a tissue. “Yuck, why are fancy foods so nasty..” and then someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn to see King, in a turquoise shirt with dark blue suspenders and mustard coloured trousers. “Hm?” I ask as I chuck the tissue in the bin. “Well, you did say that you would dance with me another day, this seems like the perfect opportunity am I right?” I smile and say “ of course! Let’s go!” He takes my hand and pulls me into the middle of the ballroom. I place one hand on his shoulder and hold his hand with the other as he places his other hand on my waist. We dance to the fairly quick paced song. It’s quite awkward though, as I have to look down at him as he is so short. After a while of dancing, We find ourselves next to Ban and Elaine dancing, them facing the same height problem, “ hey, may I cut in?” Ban asks and before he can reply, he swoops me upwards-holding my waist- and away from king.
“What a fancy gentleman you are tonight eh?” I joke, he is wearing a crimson tux with a grey lining and grey trousers. “I’ve never seen you in a suit before!” He laughs and says “ well today is your lucky day!” It is much more comfortable looking up at A face rather than down at one. Most of my life the men I have Known have been shorter than me. This is the first Time I can dance with someone- other than my brother- who I can look up too. I look into his ruby-red eyes, wow. They are actually quite pretty. I finish zoning out And he pulls me a bit closer. I feel myself go red and the music changes to a slow waltz.
HIKARI’S POV: I take Meliodas’ hand and we run to the middle area of the ballroom. He grabs my waist wi ty one hand and my hand with the other and I put my hand on his shoulder. We step quickly to the music and laugh, enjoying ourselves as the song progresses.
“The dress you got me is positively stunning” I say, “ but, how did you get my measurements?” I question. “ I took them when you were sleeping in my bed the other night.” I’m taken aback “ you’re joking right? “Nope” But I don’t care, I want this moment to go on forever, For the two of Us to laugh and have fun.
I glance over at Aerin who is at the snack table, spitting out one of the canapés into a tissue. I giggle out loud. “What?” Meliodas Asks and I point to where she is. We both laugh as we dance across the floor.
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The music changes and a waltz is played. “Hikari,” “Yes?” He looks quite serious, this can’t be good... “ I doubt it’s hard to see, but I like you a lot.” I’m completely speechless, not believing that what he just said was what he just said. “Like a lot, a lot.” “I- “I stop myself from saying something idiotic and Instead say ” why didn’t you tell me sooner?” I then proceed to Pull him close by his collar and kiss him on the lips.
AERIN’s POV: We waltz around the room and I catch a glimpse of king sulking by the buffet. I had no idea that I was the reason they were fighting.. I have to choose? I don’t know! Thy have put me in such a horrible position of having to choose between my two friends!
_____________________ THIS IS AMAZING AND THE TEA IS JUST SPILLING!!!! Anyway this was written by my friend, sorry about my artwork looking so dull, it's dark ok Lol. I hope you enjoyed xoxo