2 friends meet the owner of a famous tavern called the boar hat. This was run by meliodas and the 7 deadly sins. Hikari was a kind and loving individual who had a terrible backstory. Aerin was also a kind individual but sadly had her life thrown awa...
I pant heavily and try to hide it. I glance at Mikari sitting comfortably, slouched on the corner of the bar. She smiles at me sadly. I look away and feel... Even more angry that shes just sitting there... I don't know why.. This has nothing to do with Ari. I clench my fist and grab King's arm. I raise my first but a hand stops. My fist. Its Hikari. "Ban." She says and starts walking up the stairs. I get the message and follow her.
AERIN’S POV: I wake up and go into king’s room where he is sitting on his bed. I sit down next to him. “Thanks again for all your help today” he smiles and reaches for a box. He gives it to me and I open it. It was, my original outfit?? I except it was my size! “ omg! King where did you buy it??” He blushes and says “ well, I am quite good at making clothes.. and I figured you wouldn’t want to be in Ban’s shirt until we found you a new outfit.” I squeal with excitement and hug him tight. “ thank you thank you thank you!!!” I go back to my room to put it on, a perfect fit!!! I go downstairs, oh wow it’s late. “Oh so you did find it then?” Hikari asks “ nope! But king made this for me! Isn’t he sweet!” I look over to ban who then chugs a whole pint angrily. I say goodnight and head up back to bed.
We go into my room and sit on the bed. "I know, ban, I know that it hurts. Alot. But king means well... Uh.. I think..." Hikari says "I.. Dont even know why I'm so angry! It's annoying! I just hate her with someone else like I said but this doesn't mean I want her." I grumble. "Sounds to me like you do..." Hikari says starting to zone out about something. I look to my wall and try to zone out too but... "HOLY CRAP! AHHHHHH!!!!" I scream. Mikari turns around to the wall aswell "EEK! BAN GET RID OF IT!! BAAAN!!!!" She squeals "NO I CANT!!" I yell. "I don't know what's happening but guys it's a spider." A voice says from the doorway. "I came to return the shirt...." It's Aerin. I feel mt face burn red. I hear footsteps of people running upto the room "It's fine they were screaming at a spider." Aerin says and shoots her arrow at it through her bow. She walks over and picks the bow up with the spider on the end. She shakes it off out of the window and puts the shirt on the bed. "BAHAHAHA!!! Ban? You? Scared of spiders?!" Meliodas laughs. "Hey! So am I!" Hikari buts in. "So what!? Everyone out exept Ari! Out! Go! Leave!" I say hiding my face.
~The Next Day~
I wake up to the sound of thuds downstairs. Oh lord.... I have to go downstairs to make sure it's not Ban and King. I get up and put on a new outfit that I had picked up yesterday from the wandering marketeers that come by the tavern for afew ale in exchange for clothes.
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My boots were black and had red buckles to match. The top it abit too tight but I lile it either way. GAH! I almost forgot! I run downstairs as fast as possible, almost falling over. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I'm shocked. Its Meliodas , Erik, Ban, King, Elizabeth and Diane moving furniture?? "Morning Ari! We're having a karaoke because of all the drama lately! Wanna help set up? Or do you know about it because you look all dressed up and pretty!" Meliodas says smiling. Everyone carries on around him. My face burns like the red on my outfit. "Nah... I didn't know... Uh.. I'll help but I dunno how I feel about singing... A-and thank you.." I say rubbing the back of my neck "What's this I hear about a Karaoke? I love to sing! You're really good Mikari! We sing together all the time you are like an angel when you sing!!" Aerin throws her hands in the air. King and Ban both look at eachother and then at Aerin. "oh... Um... Yea ok then! Let's go help set up!" I say happily. We run into the main part of the tavern and help set up.
I think of a song to sing and write it down. "What are you singing?" I ask Mikari leaning over to look at her paper. "Oh! Umm. I dunno... I chose 'Better When I'm Dancing' but I'm not sure. I WAS going to choose 'Home With You' or 'Teenager In Love'." Mikari says, her face pinkish. Shes probably nervous. I look at the paper "You can do all three if you want? Do one at the start one afew songs later and then another last! Like... Hmmm maybe home with you last?" I say. Hikari nods and claps.
"Okay everyone!!! First up is Aerin!!" Meliodas says from on top of the bar. I step up and begin to sing.
after afew songs its finally my turn... Oh... My... I'm terrified. "you'll be fine!" Meliodas says happily. I smile and hug him tight. I run up onto the stage. "Um... Hiya! This is Better When I'm Dancin!" I say and the music starts.
After the song every one claps and I look to Meliodas. Hes extremely happy to see that I've done it. Hes clapping and cheering. I hand the mic to someone else and jump off of the stage. I run up to Meliodas. He hugs me. " That was so amazing! You and Aerin are mesmerising when you sing!" Meliodas says. My heart flutters and. My face goes red. I'm happy though and don't care about the dirty looks that Elizabeth is giving me. "We should sing a duet!" I suggest "Singing isn't really his thing" Elizabeth butts in. "I-I like to sing!" Meliodas says confused at the look Elizabeth gives me. "Alrighty, lets do it after these few!"I say ignoring Elizabeth.
After afew songs we do the duet and sing 'Like I'm Gonna Loose You'. We get off stage and down afew pints of ale.
The night goes on with everyone singing and dancing. It's very late now and me being me, I'm tired. So, I curl up in the corner and watch everyone have fun. Ban comes and sits next to me obviously drunk. Erik sits at my other side. I scan my eyes across the room. I see Hikari on the table dancing. Meliodas is sitting on a chair laughing his head off. I notice that when she gets down, Elizabeth hands her a shot. She never turns down a shot. Ever. She takes it and skips to Meliodas' side. "TEHE! YoU aRe So CuTe PfFfT!!! HaWk!! HAWK!? WhErE aRe YoU?!?!?!" Hikari yells from across the room. I feel something on my feet and look down to see Hawk on my feet, hiding. "Id hide too bud" I say laughing.
The night seems to end at 3 in the morning. I yawn.
______________ This is my art. I hope you enjoyed xoxo