2 friends meet the owner of a famous tavern called the boar hat. This was run by meliodas and the 7 deadly sins. Hikari was a kind and loving individual who had a terrible backstory. Aerin was also a kind individual but sadly had her life thrown awa...
I pull away from Meliodas' lips and immediately start to worry. The look on his face is shocked but blank. Then he looks at my lips. He pulls me close and kisses the top of my head making me blush.. Alot....
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"Merlin! We'll be right back" Meliodas says and leads me halfway down a corridor and stops. He pushes me against the wall and puts his lips to mine again. I just stand there. I don't feel uncomfortable so I don't need to move. I pull his collar towards me and 2 of his buttons come undone and his tie loosens.
"HAHAHAH!!! NO WAYY PFT! HEY GUYS YOU NEED TO SEE THI----" A voice shouts from the end of the corridor leading to the ballroom. It's Diane. "Oh! Um..... Sorry guys!" She says slinking back into the ballroom. I look at meliodas and then Diane. I have to explain! I run after her and through the door. "Diaaannne!" I yell. She turns around "Im sorry!" She says genuinely thinking that I'm going to be mad. I take her by the hands "Its alright, don't apologise. Just... Dont tell anyone?" I ask. She nods and hugs me. Meliodas walks up behind me "Ah, I see now. Wanna get something to drink?" Meliodas asks. I turn around to face him "Yea!" I say and eagerly run to the table with the booze. Afew people wish me happy birthday on the way but we get there eventually.
After afew drinks I run over to my throne. I reach up and try to hoist myself up "Want help?" Meliodas laughs behind me. "Hmph!" I grumble. He grabs my waist and sits me up on the throne. He just leans on it next to me "So.. What are we going to do now? About... Us.." He asks. "I..... I'd love to be yours but right now... Its really... Really... Not the right time. Lets be friends and when things settle down, then we'll see." I say and then chug my glass of champagne "Right right... Also I'm not sure that's how you drink champagne" Meliodas laughs. "Its how I drink everything" I giggle and pass the waiter my empty glass.
I decide that I need to think. I walk to the food and drink area and pour myself more champagne. "Ahem, Aerin..." I turn to see Erik "Oh hi!" I say happily "You 2 timesing those boys? Hm?" He asks. I snort and laugh "NO! PFFFTTT no no." I say. He nods suspiciously and walks away. I turn to the food table and get a fancy small chocolate "Dont mind if i---" I go to say but I stop when I feel a tap at my shoulder. Again? Ugggh... I take a mouthful of champagne. I turn to see Xavier "Uh sorry. Hikari and that short blondie. What are they? I just saw them kiss?" He asks suspiciously. I choke on my champagne. "THEY WHAT?!" I ask. This is AMAZING!!! WAIT? Is it? Since when did they..... Oh I'm confused now. "I'm not sure. Friends is what I'm told" I say and dab my mouth with a tissue from the champagne accident. Xavier squints "Alright. Thanks anyway!" He says and walks off. I know I'm never going to get time to myself and just walk over to Ban and King to talk. "Hey guys! Sooo how is it so far?! The ball?" I ask eagerly "A-Aerin! It's amazing thanks! You sure seem to enjoy it too" King says. Ban twats him upside the head "She was just getting interrupted when she was trying to eat. I'd be mad." Ban says. I laugh. Hes not wrong. King notices that I laughed and looks... Furious "anyway Are you ready for the fireworks later? I heard they make really cool ones here!" Ban asks but is quickly stopped when King steps forward "Maybe you could sit with me?" He asks politely "Oh... Maybe! Just depends who I get put with. There's so may people that I think I might just try to stick next to Hikari." I say feeling guilty. I cant give one something that I cant promise to the other. He nods. He's taken that well. Ban smirks to himself but I ignore it.
We drink and dance as the night drags on. Hikari seems to be having a great time and so does everyone else... Well.... Mostly everyone else. Ban and King are still being ansy... I finish dancing with Hikari and sit down on mt throne. I sigh, it's not a sad or any negative feeling type of sad. Its more of a happy and content sigh. I watch everyone have fun and chat. "Hiya darlin!" I hear a southern voice and know immediately, its Hikari. I turn with a smile "Hi!--" I say but stop when Erik walks up to us "Are you.... Dating her?" Erik asks Hikari "What!? No! That's just how I speak you half wit!" she says face planting the throne as she forgets how tall it is. "My apologies then" Erik says. I flick him in the arm and he walks away. I help Hikari scurry onto the throne. She sits with a slouched back and her legs open "Sit properly" We hear someone say with a laugh. I turn to my left and see Hikari's brother Kyran "Nah. I like sitting like this" She giggles. Kyran rolls his eyes "anyway how are you two, do you need anything guys? I'm just about to go and get some food" Kyran says. "Ooo! I want..... ICE-CREAM!!!!" Hikari yells eagerly. I laugh "I'll just have a top up please" I say handing Kyran my glass. He nods and walks away. "Let's see how long we get to stay on our own without getting interrupted for" Hikari laughs. I laugh too "It's too busy here. Alot of people wanted to come today I guess" I say and look around the room "Mm... I guess. Well anyway, what's going on...?" Hikari asks. I look at her, confused "Don't look at me like that. With King and Ban. I notice it too." she says "It's that obvious huh? I wonder why they're doing this..?..." I say. "bless your heart. They do it because they love you dam it!" Hikari says and jumps down from her throne taking the ice-cream from Kyrans hands on the way past. I watch her walk up to King and Ban. She gets merlin to holf he ice-cream. She has to tell ban to crouch down but then she grabs their ears tightly and shouts "OK BOYS! YALL ARE GETTING TOO BIG FOR YA BRITCHES! LEAVE HER ALONEEEEE ITS HER BIRTHDAY PARTY! BE GENTLEMEN AND SHUT UP BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT IN THE SAM HILL IS GOING ON BUT YALL ARE GONNA STOP IT!!"She yells everyone erupts in laughter. No one knows what shes on about so it's only natural.
Hikari comes skipping back with her ice-cream. She gets a run up and leaps onto her throne successfully. I laugh as she licks her ice-cream like nothing happened.
We talk for a while but her expression changes. I look to where her eyes are looking and see meliodas with Elizabeth. Just talking but he looks slightly angry and she looks sad. Then Elaine must've overheard. We cant hear but Elaine takes Elizabeth to the bathrooms and meliodas just leans on the wall with a sigh. I look ta Hikari. "I don't know what that was but... Wow." she says. "mhmm" I agree.