Chapter 24

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My outfit was different than what I usually wear. But I dont mind that. I feel different. Ever since Andy came and saved me I've felt like a different person. I feel like I have something to live for. I looked at my necklace, the one he gave to me when he left. I looked at my hand. I had the ring on and on the same wrist I had on my charm bracelet. I thought of the pain I was in. I thought of all of the other times I had looked at it while he was gone. Everytime I cried I'd hold the necklace in my hands as if I was holding his. I felt like it was all that I had left of him. These things and the pain where the only things I had to prove that they where real.

I was startled by a nock on the door. "Hannah?" Andy's voice asked sweetly. "Yeah?" I ansered back. "Ash said to bring a costume with you, there's going to be a Halloween party starting at eleven" I opened the door and looked at him. "But, I don't have a costume." He looked at me and smiled, "Well, the guys and I sort of went out and got you one." I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Of course you did." He handed me a bag and I looked though it. Lucky for them I'm in love with vampires, (RLC actually obsessed) so I love the costume. I'm lucky they didn't buy me a stripper costume or something.
I walked out of the bathroom and sat on the corner of the table.
"You ready?" Andy said walking over to me and pecking my nose. I smiled and looked up at him. "Ready as I'll ever be." All of the guys came piling out of the bedroom door, Jinxx hand in hand with Sammi, "Let's go then!" CC said.
We chatted all the way to the amusement park. I was mesmerized when I looked at it. It was lit up with colorful lights, you could hear the screams and laughter of people on rides and you could just feel the happiness in the air. It was like suddenly the atmosphere just got lighter. I smiled to myself as we walked in.
I felt like I was in one of those music videos for a love song. With the rides and the games and the music in the background.

"Hey what time is it?" I asked. "Um 10:45 we should probably go get into our costumes." Jinxx said. I smiled as Sammi grabbed my hand and dragged me into the bathroom with both of our bags.
"So, you ready to be petrified?" Sammi asked and I giggled. "Oh lord!" she moved me over to the mirror. "Hey I happen to be great at makeup!" I nodded. "I know!" She just shook her head and started to put on my makeup. "There we go... finished." She smiled. I went to go look and she turned me away quickly. "No! Don't look yet! I want you to see the finished product when you have your costume on!" I just laughed as she did her makeup and changed, as I changed too.
I walked out to see her in her costume. "Woah!" I said. She blushed slightly. "Dang it!" I yelled suddenly. "What?" She asked confused. "How am I supposed to compete with that!" I whined jokingly. She laughed. "Shut up! You're beautiful and everyone knows it!" I just laughed. "She looked up and down at me. I blushed a bit. "Look." She said. I turned around laughing but when I looked in the mirror, the laugh turned to amazement "Oh my Sammi you did an amazing job on the makeup. And the costume it's just..." (Side pic) I put my hand over my mouth, I was so happy I was going to cry. "That's not me that did that... Hannah, that's you. You are beautiful." I shook my head. "I love you so much!" I said wrapping my arms around her.
My arms.
"Um... Shouldn't I have something to cover my arms, I might get cold." I lied about the cold part. I'm hardly ever cold. But what about my scars. Yeah they already know about it, but I don't want to show the whole world. "You mean people might see your scars?" She said almost like she read my mind. I looked down ashamed. "There's nothing to be ashamed about." I looked up at her. "You should be proud of your battle scars." I shook my head in disbelief. "They're a sign of failure. That's not something I should be proud of." She sighed. "But getting through it, getting this far, you should be proud of that." I smiled. "Thank you Sammi." She smiled and hooked arms with me as we walked out of the bathroom.
Standing outside was the guys, they where all dressed in their show stuff, but their old show stuff. Way more war paint than they wear now.

I smiled hugely then laughed.
"OH MY GOD!" I yelled. "YOU LOOK EXACTLY LIKE BLACK VEIL BRIDES! OH MY GOD!" They all laughed at my fake fangirling. "Can I like get your autograph!?" Andy smiled at me and pulled me into a kiss. "Shut up!" He rolled his eyes laughing. "You know, I was like that not too long ago. But only it would've been on the inside." He smiled at me. "Oh so you're not like that anymore?" He said raising an eyebrow. I looked at him, my heart pounding, my stomach getting butterflies as if it was the first time we met all over. I laughed. "Seeing you like this, I am... just... on the inside." He smiled and kissed me once more.
"Come on! The Halloween thing starts in 5 minutes!"
We walked over to a huge stage as a guy dressed up as a serial killer came on stage and announced something.

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