Chapter 27

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I got up to the room, holding Andy's hand in mine. This is all so familiar, but yet... I like it familiar. As I walked through the door I thought aloud "Andy and Hannah Biersack, now that's a cute name." I said smiling. Andy kissed me passionatly, but quickly. "Sure is." We walked into the living room, Sammi, Ash and Jinxx stared at us strangely. I shook my head and looked at Andy. He shrugged. "Okay, am I missing something." Sammi walked over to me silently and grabbed my hand looking at my ring. "OH...MY...GOD...! ITS TRUE! I KNEW IT! YOU TWO- AND YOU- YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!" I pulled my hand away and put my hands on Sammi's shoulders. "What in God's name are you talking about?" Jinxx walked over and looked at me. "She's talking about how you and Andy eloped!" I looked at Andy. We both smiled and laughed. "Oh. Um no." Andy said. "BUT YOU LEFT WITHOUT A RING, CAME BACK WITH ONE, YOU LEFT AND SAID YOU WERE GOING TO CHANGE YOUR LAST NAME!" I cut Sammi off. "To Montley! And this," I said holding up my hand. "It's a promise ring. I would have told you guys." Andy nodded. "Exactly, Ash you know that you and Jinxx would be the first guys I would tell." Ash was just sitting there with a somehow hurt, weird, somewhat relieved look on his face. But over all, he just looked stunned.
He nodded though. "Okay, well now that that's settled. We should all do something!" I said hoping onto the couch by Ash. "We were!" Jinxx said smiling. I looked at the lit up TV.
"This is what you guys do with your lives?" I asked them jokingly. "Well, do you have any better idea's?" He shot back. "As a matter of fact, I do!" They all looked at me with curiosity, usually I'm not the one with the ideas. "Shut the television off and sit on the couch." I said patting the seat next to me for Andy. He smiled and sat down wrapping his arm around me. They each took a seat as I grabbed a pad of sticky notes and a sharpie from the coffee table in front of me. I wrote each of our names on 4 cards each, shuffled the deck and sat down. "Okay, so this is a game that me my family used to play before...." I cut myself off, clearing my throat. "Anyway... It's basically like 20 questions, but more fun because you don't get to choose who you ask." They all smiled at me. "Sounds fun." Andy said happily.

"I'll go first." Sammi said, gently picking up a card and looked at the name. "CC" it said in all caps. "Okay CC, looks like you're the first victim!" he chuckled at my comment. "Okay, Truth or Dare? " Sammi smirked and asked. "Dare." He said simply. I laughed looking at him confused. "I dare you to make out with the fridge for 2 minutes!" He looked at Sammi oddly and laughed, he shrugged and got up to the fridge.
"I've probably done this while drunk, so no big deal! Come here baby!" I facepalmed as I watched him go all out with the fridge. "Okay, and on that note! Jinxx, your turn."

"Hannah," the smile on my face dropped, I don't like dares and questions don't end well for me. "Truth or dare?" I thought for a moment and groaned. "Truth!"
"What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?" I looked around the circle at the guys and blushed.
"I'm not telling you that!" I protested. "You have to, the card spoke!" He said. "Fine," I sighed. "Don't laugh, but when I was 15.." I paused. "I burped in church! The priest was reading the bible" I admitted. The guys all bursted into laughter. I punched Andy in the arm. "I said not to laugh!!" I yelled playfully.

After everyone had a turn, it was finally back to me. "Oh little Ashy!!!!" I yelled jokingly giving him an evil playfull look, "Who is your most recent crush? Real one, not some stripper!" I asked. Everything was silent...They looked at me as if I asked about a family member who killed someone. I looked at Ash. He had turned 4 shades of red and looked confused, scared and almost hurt. I felt my face start to burn, the look on his face... he looked pained.
" I-" he stammered. I flinched as he got up and ran into his room. My throat hurt and my cheeks where burning. I tried blinking away the tears but they just kept comming, and one fell.
I've never seen him like that. I've never seen any of them like that. He just seemed so... confused and hurt and... I don't know. "I...have to go to the bathroom." I said. I ran into the bathroom and shut the door locking it. I felt myself start to hyperventalate. What did I just do to him? I felt the tears start falling.
"Hannah?" Sammi said to me through the door, I whiped the tears and opened the door. She looked at me with sorrow and sympathy. "Oh Hannah!" I just fell into her arms and she hugged me tight. "Shh... hun it's okay, you did nothing wrong." I sobbed into her shoulder. "That didn't look like nothing!" I sobbed. She let go of me and whiped away my tears. "It wasn't your fault... I can't explain what happened, but... I can tell you, you did nothing wrong." I took a deep breath. "Do you understand me?" I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, thank you." She wrapped me in another hug. "I love you baby girl, don't cry, you're too pretty for that." I laughed and hugged her. "Love you too."

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