Chapter 9

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Davina walked into her apartment building. As she was walking up the stairs she passed Klaus.

"Klaus?" She said.

He turned around to look at her.

"Well hello there Davina, How was your day with my sister?" Klaus asked.

Davina smiled "Great we had a lot of fun" Davina said.

Klaus smirked "I find that surprising, My sister doesn't really know how to be socially nice" Klaus said.

Davina chuckled "And you do" Davina said.

Klaus chuckled.

"What are you doing here?" Davina asked.

"Just having a nice little chat with Kol." Klaus said.

Davina raised an eyebrow "About what?" She asked.

Klaus smiled "That's for him to tell you love...I'll see you hopefully tomorrow if all goes well" Klaus said walking of.

Davina smiled "Bye Klaus" She said as he was walking away.

Once Davina was up the stairs she opened her apartment door.

"Kol" She called.

Kol walked out of the bedroom and as soon as he sough her he smiled.

"Hello love" He said walking up to her and kissing her passionately.

Davina smiled "hi" She said.

"How was your day with my sister?" Kol asked.

Davina smiled "Really good i think she is really starting to like me we had alot of fun" She said.

"And she didn't try to strangle you or anything like that?." Kol asked

"Nope she was perfectly kind and sweet" Davina said

Kol snickered "That's hard to believe" Kol said.

Davina smiled " Klaus said the same thing. You and Klaus have to start being nicer to your sister she has feelings to. " She said.

"When did you talk to Klaus" Kol asked.

"Like five minuets ago in the hallway" Davina said.

Kol nodded

"How was your day with Klaus" Davina asked.

Kol smiled "As good as can be expected.. i got to psycho Analise Klaus and Marcel" Kol said.

Davina gave him a questioning look "Wait...Marcel was there to"

Kol nodded "Yep Klaus brought him with i swear those 2 are attached by the hip" Kol sighed

Davina smiled

"So...How does dinner sound for tonight..I'll cook. there was something that i wanted to ask you." Kol said.

Davina smiled "Ok" She said.

Kol smiled ""Its a date then.'

He kissed her on the lips.

It was about 6:30 and Davina was trying to find something to where to her dinner date with Kol. She had just got out of the shower and finished curling her hair. After about 15 minuets of searching through her closit for something to here she decided on a red strapless mini dress with Flower pattern's on it. She put the finishing touches on her Makeup and by then it was 7:00pm. She walked out of her bedroom to find Kol setting the table when he sough her his smiled and his eyes widened he walked up to her and kissed her lips.

"You look stunning Darling" Kol said.

Davina smiled "You dont look so bad yourself" Davina said Kol was wearing a black Dress shirt un-tucked and dark jeans.

Kol smiled and motioned for her to sit down. She sat down at the table across from Kol.

"Wow this looks delicious" Davina said.

Kol smirked "One of my many talents darling" Kol said.

"So what is it you wanted to ask me?" Davina asked taking a bite of her food.

"Well...I was talking with Klaus after Marcel left and he asked me if i wanted to move back in with Rebekah and him he was practically begging for me to." Kol said smirking.

Davina raised an eyebrow "Really?" Davina asked.

"Well it might have been Rebekah's idea and i many have extradited on the begging a bit" Kol said smiling.

Davina laughed.

"And Rebekah convinced him to ask me to ask you if you wanted to move in with Rebekah Klaus and I." Kol said taking a sip of his wine.

Davina stared at him for a couple seconds.

"Your serious" Davina said smiling.

Kol nodded "Yes i am i think Rebekah is lonely without any female company. so you will have to deal with her. And well then theirs Klaus with his bipolar mood changes and yelling. But of course you would get to spend 24/7 with yours truly" Kol said smirking.

Davina chuckled.

"So what do you say do you want to move in with me...And my 2 pestering siblings." Kol said smirking.

Davina smiled. "Yes i would love to move in with you...And your to pestering siblings" Davina said laughing.

Kol got up and kissed Davina Kol ran his tongue across the bottom of her lip. Kol used his vampire speed to get him and Davina to her bedroom. Once in her bedroom Kol pushed Davina up against the bedroom wall kissing down her neck. Kol stepped back and removed his shirt. Her hands were on him instantly, Scratching their way down his abs She smiled as he shuddered beneath her touch. Kol ripped open her dress and tossed it aside leaving her in only her matching bra and panties set. Kol moved her and him to the bed his mouth never leaving hers. Once on the bed Kol quickly unsnapped bra Kol kissed down her neck

"Davina's hands went to unhook his jeans leaving him only in his boxers..

hooked a finger around her panties pulling them down.

Kol smirked and quickly removed his boxers.

"As you wish darling" Kol said
her whole body felt like it was on fire. Kol groaned loudly along with Davina.

Davina's hips started to meet his her nails dig into his shoulders making Kol groan louder. Kol kissed down her neck.

Kol rolled off of Davina and Davina layed on his chest breathless.

"I love you so much Davina" Kol said.

Davina smiled as she snuggled into his chest.

"I love you to Kol" Davina said yawning.

"Just think tomorrow we get to move in with my siblings wont it be fun" Kol said sarcastically

Davina laughed.

"Rebekah is not that bad Kol" Davina whispered smiling.

Kol rolled his eyes "You haven't had to deal with her and Klaus for over a thousand years." Kol said

"True..But hopefully I'll get to spend the next thousand years with you...and your family" Davina whispered snuggling into his chest.

Kol raised and eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Kol said wanting to confirm what he heard he never thought Davina would want to become a vampire even for him.

He hears no response.

"Davina" He whispered.

She snuggled closer to him fast asleep Kol would be sure to ask her about that tomorrow..

Kol smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Goodnight my love" He whispered falling into his own slumber.

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