Chapter 18

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"Marcel!"Davina panicked, not sure of how to deal with what was going on, she wanted to sit down with Marcel and tell him separately but now she couldn't, he already knew.

"Your pregnant!" Marcel yelled, only slightly annoyed at the fact that he was the last one to find out, more annoyed at the fact that it was Kol that was the supposed father. In that very moment, he really wished he hadn't let Kol Mikaelson anywhere near his little girl.

"Well that is surprising, considering the fact that vampires can't procreate" Klaus chuckled, quite intrigued at the fact that his little brother who in comparison to the little witch was a giant had somehow managed to get her knocked up, he didn't know how they kissed, did Kol have to lift her up?, he was like a rake next to her...and Klaus was really and genuinely curious as to how they made it work, let alone made the baby.

Marcel just stared at Davina with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open, while Klaus stood there smirking, 'this really was a scandalous affair', he thought to himself.

"Please for the love of god D, say that you where pregnant before you met Kol or you cheated on Kol or-" Marcel yelled, trying to rationalize the supposedly impossible situation.

"Hey! I take serious offense to that!" Kol smiled proud of what he had a accomplished, "Ok, ok, I apologize Marcel...I'm really sorry that I had super super sperm and you don't-"

"Kol" Rebekah interrupted before someone got a stake, in a body part, she looked over towards Davina and saw the pleading look, she was giving.

"Klaus, Josh Elijah, Get out" Rebekah ordered.

"What no this is just getting good" Klaus protested, in response.

"Out!" Rebekah screamed again.

Klaus sighed in defeat, he really did want to see how this all unraveled but what he didn't want was a pissed off sister, so he walked out of the room after Josh,

"Marcel-" Davina started.

"Please, please, say your not pregnant, please D" Marcel begged, the was the last thing he wanted, in a way he kind of felt like he failed her and that tore him apart more than she could ever imagine. He wondered whether this would have ever happened if Tim was still alive, it was undoubtedly obvious that Tim was never as invested in Davina as she was in him. He never really saw her as more than a friend and he thought that by letting Klaus kill the boy, it would save her from a hell of a lot of heartbreak but in reality it only created more, heartbreak and if he stopped Klaus from killing him, than maybe just maybe, he would grow to love Davina but he didn't give the boy that chance and now she's with Kol fricken Mikaelson and one day she might even be Davina Mikaelson.

Davina just stayed quite, and that only added to Marcel's self-pity and despair. He was truly wallowing in it.

"And it's his?" Marcel groaned pointing at Kol, he wouldn't be as disappointed if it was anyone else's but it was Kol Mikaelson's, he was taking away not just her humanity but also her future, her ability to grow old with someone.

"Who else's would it be?" Davina scoffed, taken back that he would even suggest that it wasn't Kol's, Kol was the love of her life and she knew that whole heartly, he was her everything and she hoped that she was his everything, she would give her life for his.

"I don't know maybe someone who can actually have children!?" Marcel screamed, high irritated at the fact that no-one else had acknowledged that this entire situation was completely and utterly impossible, never in the thousand years that vampires had plagued the earth had this ever happened, so why would it begin now?

"Kol Jr's, a miracle he?" Kol smirked teasingly, out of all the Mikaelson's, he was not only the youngest but also the wildest, he was truly a psychopath, by nature. He loved himself a good time and a good kill but it all changed when he met her and now they were having a baby, he really couldn't be anymore happy, to him he was going to have the perfect family, one that he never thought he'd have, nor want, but that he's got it, he'd be dammed if he lost it.

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