The Agency

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I get out of my boat and start walking nervously at the white Ghost building. The henchman at the door salutes me and asks for my keycard. He scans it with his gun and the light glows green, "Welcome to the agency y/n, I'm Theo." He says before letting me enter.

"Thanks and nice to meet you Theo." I say as I walk into the building. There I see a woman with a red ripped crop top and short brown hair screaming angrily at the receptionist at the front desk. Ugh drama.

"Here you go!" She slams a card on the desk and stomps away, she then comes up to me. "Ya new here sweetie?" She says more calmly. I nod. "Well you should know that there is better opportunities than this." She winks and leaves. Okay...

"Sorry about her, she has quite some anger issues." Says the receptionist with dark hair and chocolate skin.

"It's fine..." I look at her name tag, "Rita Almanza. What a nice name." I say. She smiles brightly .

"Aw thank you y/n l/n." And she snickers. I look at her wide eyed. "Oh I know your name because I was the one who recommended you to M."

"Thanks for clearing that up, I thought you were like some sort of stalker. No offense."

"Non taken girl. You know Midas and I were really impressed with your resume. And may I say that your abilities were beautifully interpreted."

"Thanks Rita."

"You're welcome dear. Okay, so you saw what happened right? Midas is definitely furious so your meeting with him is delayed for about 10 minutes. Explore the agency if you'd like." She again smiles brightly.

This is a great opportunity! "I'll go explore the place around then. It was nice meeting you Rita, I love your attitude." I wave at her.

"Thank you love, same thing goes to you." She waves and goes back to her computer.

I walk around the first floor looking for anything unusual. Like if guards are talking in the shadows or if a meeting is going on. So far I don't see anything out of the ordinary. I decide to go up the second floor.

I notice two people talking quietly at a dark doorway where they can't be seen easily. I notice they aren't henchmen. I ask a henchman called Zoey, who those people are. At first she can't see them, but I help her out. "I think that's Midas' personal assistant and the man is Tek the Chief manager of technological advancements." She says.

"Good to know." I say. I wave and walk away.

Chief manager of tech advancements would mean that he would be in charge of all things tech infused. What would Midas' assistant be talking about to the tech manager away from everybody else?

I start stepping on the stairs towards the third floor, but I'm interrupted by the intercom. "Y/n l/n please report to the front desk." That's Rita, it must be time for the meeting. I start walking down the stairs and to the front desk. "Hi y/n. Follow me to the boss's room." I follow her as told.

We walk to a room on the third floor. Rita knocks on the door and a deep voice says to come in. I got shivers down my spine now. A tall and pale man with perfectly styled hair is standing in the room. "Hello there sir, I'm y/n l/n. It's such a pleasure to meet you in person." I say and take out my hand. He shakes it. Whoa, his hands are actually gold. Rita leaves the room to us.

"Midas. It's a pleasure to meet you as well darling. Come sit." He motions for me to sit at a chair in front of his. "So let's get down to business, you studied at Locust University, correct?" I nod. "A quite prominent place, I myself also went to that university."

"Really, that's good to know." I smile delightfully. I was twenty at the time when I first started university. I didn't need college because apparently I was intelligent enough to go a step higher.

"You also were a detective after two years there. I've heard about the crimes you've solved, they seemed quite difficult just for one person. We are all grateful for the work you've done, you are truly great."

"Thank you, it isn't a big deal they were easy crimes after all." I say a bit flustered. He looks at me cautiously with his one eye as if trying to figure me out.

"Not a big deal? Easy?" He says surprised. "Didn't you solve a crime in your first two weeks that would've took anybody else months to complete? That doesn't sound easy, especially since you were the only one doing it." Yep I did do that it was my first time crime solving as a detective.

"You're right but you're also wrong. I did do that by myself at least not all of it. The investigation was already half way done. I already had the information I needed, well not all. Others helped with the first half but I was credited."

"Still though, a person like you at my organization is unbelievable. You are incredibly skilled y/n." He smiles brilliantly. I'm secretly whining in the inside, wishing I was at the shadow base. But no I have to deal with this pest. "Anyways, tommorow a mission is available for you. So for today just get to know the agents." Even more pests! I'm seriously going to vomit if I interact with another person today. I better be awarded an Oscar.

"Sounds good." I say while looking at his hands. So gold, the bearing question, how did he get his golden touch? "Sir, I have a question. How exactly did you get your golden powers?" Chaos Agent would love the answer to this.

"That information is classified to you and me. I don't know how I received this power, all I know is that it is strong and powerful." He says while clenching his fist making his arm slowly turn to solid gold. Ah crap. But I have an odd feeling that he's lying though.

. . .

I met the agents Skye, Meowcles, Journey, Peely, Tek, and many more. My first mission was a "weekly Shadow hunt" as they call it. It's when multiple people look around the island to find secret Shadow bases. I was honestly surprised because they found bases that I didn't even know about.


Week 1 Report

Nothing is too out of the ordinary here at the agency. But I do see that Midas' assistant is talking privately with the Chief manager of tech advancements. I suspect that Midas has something to do with this, and it is something I will keep my eye out for. There's this thing called, "weekly Shadow hunt" and it's about searching for secret Shadow bases. We should really be more careful because they found some interesting things in their search. Brutus and TNTina left Ghost some time ago. Other than that, it's about it. I will continue my search for odd things. This is y/n l/n, thank you.

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