Where art thou Midas?

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I stare deeply at the Ghost logo and tears fall out my eyes as I hear Jules' words. Midas is gone? "What do you mean he's gone!" I yell at Jules and she smirks.

"It means he's dead. It also means I'm in charge now, Okay sweets." She says and I pull out my claws and get on top of her.

"How can you say that! He's your brother. He's my soulmate..." I sob and she wipes the tears out of my eyes.

"Hey, I don't care much for him but I see that you do." She sighs, "Midas isn't dead, far from it. You just have to find him."

I pierce my claw into her neck's skin. "How am I supposed to find him!" I yell and immediately pull back, "I'm so sorry!" I say. She gets up and wipes the blood from her neck.

"It's fine. Worse has happened, way worse." I get up as well. "I don't know exactly where he is, but he left behind a clue. He'll be waiting on the other side."

The other side, the other side. I look at the horizon thinking about all the different possibilities. Hmm...death? Oh no that's too dark.
The other side of the Agency? Other side of the world?

"Okay thanks Jules. I guess I'll investigate then." I say and walk away but turn around when Jules calls my name.

"Y/n, good luck. Maybe your note will help." She says and I nod. Okay time to take action.

I open up the note and read it. Oh...Midas. I miss you too. After I read it I look around to find Cris and Drift. "Drift! Cris!" I call out and head over to them. They back up when I near them, "What?" I ask and look at my hands. Oh.

I pull my claws back. "How did you do that?" Drift questions.

"I forgot to tell you. Chaos Agent poisoned me and I can do that now."

"Not gonna lie. That's kinda concerning." Cris admits.

"I know, just don't look too much into it. Anyways, Midas has suddenly disappeared and I need your help to find him." I say.

"Wait what?" They ask.

"He left behind a hint though. He'll be waiting on the other side."

"Like the chicken? How is that going to help?" Drift asks and I bonk his hed.

"No. Wh- oh wait. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side..." I mumble to myself. "Drift you just have me an idea."

"What if Midas is actually on the other side of the world. But there's something else going on, something paranormal. Don't think I'm crazy, spawn island."

"Isn't spawn island where the dead roam?" Drift questions.

"Yep and I've made my decision. We're going to spawn island." I declare.
Two days later
"Thanks for lending us your help Redux." I say to Midas' older brother as we enter the ship.

"Yes, well I do want to see my brother again. Speaking of brother- Jules!" He calls out to his sister on the dock. "You sure you don't want to come?" He questions.

"Yeah, I need to do some repairs at the Authority before the flood hits." She replies.

"The Authority?" I inquire.

"It's the Agency's new name. Watch, by the time you guys return the place is going to look completely different." She sighs, "Good luck then, don't die." She walks away.

"We won't. Bye!" I call out, "Come on Redux! Let's get this boat moving!"

"Alright! Everyone on board?" He asks and we reply with a yes. I then go up to the front to chat a bit with Redux.

A Golden Heart (Midas x reader)Where stories live. Discover now