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Week 3 has officially begun. So far I've learned a bit about what's going on between Lisa (Midas' assistant) and Tek. I overheard them talking about point 0.00. What does that mean? I'm still trying to figure that out.

Today Midas has a mission in store for us. It better be good because I feel like I haven't done anything besides interacting with people and paperwork. I swear Midas is not letting me do anything, meanwhile everyone else is out doing important stuff.

Right now I'm waiting quietly in the mission room with Meowscles and Maya. "I'm so tired of waiting already!" I whine. "I want some action." Meowscles looks at me.

"Settle down dude." Meow says. I sigh.

A few more minutes pass and finally Midas enters the room fixing his tie. "Sorry for making you wait it's just that I was busy." He says. His hair is slightly out of shape. Ha, he was probably busy playing with a toy. I chuckle a bit. Midas looks at me questionably. "What's so funny agent y/n?" Midas inquires.

"Oh nothing I just remembered something." I smile at him. Heh.

"Alright then, today our mission will be storming the Shadow base out North." Up north, huh. Must be the one with that random gnome at the cell tower. Wait our?

I stand out of my seat. "Excuse me sir, I noticed you said our mission. Will you be joining us?" I question.

"Yes I will. You are new here so I volunteer myself to teach you the best during this mission. I'll tag along with you guys just this once." Okay just what I needed.

"Overprotective much?" Maya says sarcastically. All three agents except Midas start giggling. "When I entered you didn't tag along. Why's that?" Midas grumbles.

"I'm tagging along because I would also like to see the Shadow base with my own eyes. I also want to see agent y/n I'm action, since apparently she's quite skilled." He looks at me.

"If you say so Midas." Maya says.

"Alright then, let's get our gear and head to the choppa. Journey will be taking us, I'll tell you the plan while flying." The boss man says.

"Sure thing boss." I smile at him before leaving the room, he smiles back.

. . .

We park our choppa in the grassy middle of nowhere. It's pretty far from the base. We start walking towards it quietly. In the while Midas goes over the plan once more so no confusion comes.

We reach the Shadow base and we open up a vent door and crawl silently. Meowscles in the front, then Maya, me, and lastly Midas. The vents are quite cramped and we are all very squished. Especially Midas and me, lets just say he is a little too close for comfort. My face is literally burning.

When we all come to a stop, I feel a hand on mine. I turn my head around and it's Midas' golden hand. Just realizing his actions, Midas removes his hand from mine, he mouthes the word sorry.

When we get out of the vents a henchman is in the room, he appears to be surprised especially when he sees me. Aaron the henchman gets out his walkie talkie.

"All uni-" Maya cuts him off with her fist. I tip toe over the knocked out body and start looking around. Sorry Aaron.

I believe this is the first floor. There's storage containers, weapons, supplies, computers.

"Hey Boss." Meowscles calls out to Midas. "Isn't this stuff illegal?" He points to a box filled with things.

"Yes, I think they are." He goes towards the box to inspect it, and motions me to go too. I look at the items in the box, drug frogs, explosives, and all that weird stuff. Probably what we sell in the black market.

A Golden Heart (Midas x reader)Where stories live. Discover now