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Credit to Soapallo for the art

Lately I've been having many mixed feelings about Midas. I love him but I hate him. I'd be dead if Shadow found out about my feelings. So for now, I'm trying my best to conceal them. "Hey." I say to my yawning brother.

"Hi y/n. " He gets out a box of cereal and serves himself. I look at him intently.

"Cris, what do you think of Midas?" I ask and immediately regret it. He looks at me surprised.

"Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I just wanted to know your opinion on him."

"Okay I think he's really nice. He's also pretty cool." That's nice to hear.

As if in queue, a knock is heard at the door. My stomach starts to flutter with butterflies. Surprise surprise it's Midas.

"Good morning y/n." As he says his words, I can't help but look at his lips.

Realizing that I'm zoning out I say something, "Oh good morning Midas. Would you like to come in?" He nods and we enter.

"Hello Cris." He says to my brother.

"Hi Midas we were just talking about you. What brings you here?" He asks.

"I just came to say that I will be visiting your house today, and was wondering if you'd like to come along." He looks at me expectantly. Should I go, I don't know.

"I'm going!" Cris calls out. Well if he's going then...

"Alright I guess I'll go too. But it's six hours away. Are you sure you want to go today?" I ask Midas.

"Yes I want to go right now because I simply cannot wait. Don't worry if we go by jet, we'll get there faster." He claims.

"Jet?" Midas nods. " Alright let's do this. "

. . .

Woah this is amazing! I'm on a jet! The black leather seats are so comfortable and nice. There's gold ascents to this place too. Midas sure has a thing for gold.

Ah the view is so nice from here. "Thanks for letting us fly on your jet Midas. This is really exciting."

"No problem M'lady." He then leans back on his seat and starts reading a book.

"M'lady?" Wonders Cris. My face redens, "What's this all about?" He asks. Oh god why is he like this.

"It's just a nickname Cris." I clarify. He doesn't seem too pleased with my response so he gives me a weird look. I then look over at Midas and smile.

. . .

"This house is wonderful!" Midas exclaims as he walks through the front door. He looks around and is filled with joy. "Your father had great taste." The house is a lone, wide spanish style home with an open area.

"This must have took quite some work, not to mention the money."

"Well, you see my dad always wanted the best for his family so he tried the best he could with this home. He worked as an architect so that's how he managed. These walls bare his soul in it." I say as I remember him.

"That's nice, I wish I had a father like that," He looks around and finds a glass slide door and opens it. "It's your mom's garden." He looks at me and Cris with sympathetic eyes.

"Yeah this is mom's garden. It's like I could still see her trimming her roses." Cris says. I look around and watch the butterflies fly. Monarchs, pretty. I then smell the sweet scent of the daisies. "Midas," he arches an eyebrow, "Will, you take care of the garden?" I ask him.

"Of course I will, I promise." We both share a warming smile. Cris then coughs intentionally.

"Seriously you two, why don't y-" I cover his mouth with my hand.

"Shush." I whisper to him. I smile at Midas sheepishly, "Ah, brothers."

After Midas explores the place, I go into my old room and take a nap.

When I wake up, I feel something on my right arm. Oh it's Midas. Aww, he's so cute when he's sleeping, he must've waited for me. I can't resist so I kiss his head.

I cover my mouth with my left hand. What am I doing! Y/n Come on! But he's just so...

Midas then wakes up, "You're awake." He yawns, "I have something to tell you." He takes me by the hand and we head outside.

We walk straight calmly and Midas hums a melody I can remember. "All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow. One step closer," I sing and he joins along, " I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more. " I lean my head on his shoulder and then we start slow dancing.

I look up to his golden eyes and he begins, "Y/n, I've never met anyone like you. You're the most gorgeous, kind, and devoted woman in the world. Somehow, you've stolen this cold man's heart," he pauses and I could feel my face burn.

"I grew up with a wealthy and greedy family, that led me to become obsessed with money. I got my powers because of that. Up until recently business was the only thing on my mind, but that changed. The woman standing before me made me realize that someone could be worth more than gold. So M'lady let me be part of your life, let me be there for you because I love you. And I will do anything for you." So do I, but...

"Midas I love you too, you're someone who truly cares about me. You're considerate, charming, trustful, and simply fantastic," his face is lit up with joy, oh I'm sorry. "With a heavy heart, I have to decline." His smile drops and I feel a choking sensation. "I don't think it would be the best decision that someone like me were to be with someone like you. What would people think then." I mean it both ways, a tear slides down my face. Midas then kisses me and more tears come out.

He then holds me closely. "Listen, I love you y/n. And I don't care what everybody else thinks or says. I'll travel to the ends of the earth if I had to, just for you. So please give me a chance M'lady."

I hesitate for a moment, "Midas, I never thought the day would happen when I would be proud to say, I am your lady." His face is ecstatic and then we kiss passionately. I really do love this man.

We go back inside and Cris is already there waiting for us. "Congrats guys." He says and we all hug together.

. . .

As I'm walking into the Ghost building, I can't help but look down and see the necklace Midas gave me. It's a golden heart shaped locket with tiny diamonds aligning the edges.

"Hi y/n. How's it going?" Says Rita overjoyed, as usual.

"Hi I'm doing great actually." I say and she looks at my locket wide eyed.

"Hold up. That must've cost quite a bit. How did you get it?" She asks. My face flushes just a bit. I don't think Midas has told anybody yet.

"Well you see I've been saving up money for some time now and bought this just yesterday." I reply, she gives me a questionable look.

"I ain't buying it, I've seen these in magazines. They cost like $5,000 each. Someone gave it to you, oh! It was-" I nod approving and embarrassed. She whispers, "I ship." She winks and I chuckle at her statement.

I then walk into Midas' room and he stands up immediately and kisses me, "Good morning darling. How are you today?"

I hug him and say, "Wonderful morning! I'm great."

. . .

The thing that has been going on in my head all day is what should I do. I don't want to use Midas anymore, he's too good for that. Am I going to quit?

No that's too risky. For now, I have to do something. What if I just give them useless reports instead, yes that'll do.

Week 8 Report:
Not much has happened here at the agency, but I have a bit of info. Midas is planning to do something with The Shark, I think I heard him say that he was going to rebuild it. That's all the info this week, this has been agent y/n l/n, thank you.

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