Chapter 11

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Lloyd's POV

L O C A T I O N : U N D E R G R O U N D
8 : 3 9 P M

"Psst...Lloyd...wake up."

"Huh..." I stir, and sit up, rubbing my eyes to see Jay hovering over me. He smiled, "Your watch, buddy."

"Got it." Letting out a yawn, I shuffle over to the front, and take a seat. I was so tired. I spot Pixal's backpack resting beside her. Carefully, I reach into the pouch and bring out a pack of coffee powder and a water bottle. Unscrewing the lid, I tip the powder in, before closing the bottle and shaking it up so it mixed. The beverage didn't taste the best, but at least it did its job.

Leaning back, I stare at the wall aimlessly, folding my arms. I just had to stay awake for two hours, and wake someone else up. Easy...right?

Turns out staying up is a lot harder than it seems. The coffee didn't seem to help either.

I suddenly heard large echoing thuds. Not from where we were, but far back. Frowning, I reach for the Holo and stand up shakily, making my way out of the hole in the wall. I felt my armour soaking up with water, and the Holo's beeps.

There it was again. That thud. Only this time, it sounded more close. It seemed to have woken everyone up now. I could hear Flintlocke behind me, "What is that?"

I heard a shuffle, and then Jay, "We gotta go. We gotta get outta here now."

"Keep your voice down!" Morro hissed.

I realise what the source of noise was, "Mutts. They released mutts! Zane, Pixal, what's the fastest way out?"

"Come on, go, go!" Dilara ordered, as everyone ran out.

Skylor went to the front, and shot an arrow from her crossbow, shedding a bit of light. We start to head towards it, until we reach a corner. Skylor slowly peeked her head out, shooting out another arrow, setting it alight. We could see more clearly now; just water. We shine our torches throughout as we keep walking. I could feel my breath hitch with nervousness. There was a small hole through the wall, and Zane climbed through. I see him check the place, before sending us a thumbs-up. Sighing in relief, we crawl through, getting on the other side.

3rd Person POV

Dilara shines her torch ahead, to find it empty. She turns to face us, "Let's go." She turned around, only to see mutts jumping at her. Wasting no time, Flintlocke fired his gun, taking the group out...but there were more.

"GO! GO! GO! It's mutts!" Seliel yells, stabbing one in the arm.

"Zane, get us outta here!" Nya yelled as they all ran, the mutts right behind them.

Suddenly a group of mutts ambushed the group from front, dragging Flintlocke.

"NO! FLINTLOCKE!" Kai yelled, fighting off a mutt, piercing it through the chest. Pixal started firing her gun, and Zane murmured to Nya.

"There's a special latch on your trident, i-it works like an inferno. Press that button and it releases gasoline vapours, then this adds a spark and sets the gasoline alight." Nya nodded as she fought off a mutt, slamming it into the wall.

"Move! Move! Move! They're right behind us!" Cole shouted.

"I'm out of ammo!" Pixal dropped her gun.

"Pixal! Take mine!" Nya threw her gun at the nindroid, before grasping her trident in both hands.

These mutts were inhumane. As they ran through the sewers, they shot their bullets out at the things. One bullet didn't seem to stop them; you had to shoot them a good few times for them to go down...or a deep stab in the heart. That worked too.

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