Chapter 13

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Lloyd's POV

L O C A T I O N : C H E N ' S   M A N S I O N
2 : 2 6 P M

A couple of days had passed and things were looking up. Chen was going to be executed tomorrow, by me.

Kai hadn't come out of the room he was assigned in for days on end. I understood what he was going through. We'd both lost blood relatives. I missed Nya dearly, but I couldn't imagine what he and Jay were going through.

As for Seliel, it turns out she was pregnant. She was also mourning Cole's death. Dilara too, didn't bother talking to anyone either, she'd lost her husband too, after all. However today Yang called an emergency meeting.

We gathered around in the large dining room and filled the table. There was Kai, Jay, Zane, Morro, me, Skylor, Pixal, Seliel, Dilara, Ronin and Dareth. My mother, Wu and Cyrus were tending to the injured at the hospital.

"So, I've been elected as the new President." Yang starts. Everyone lightly claps, and he continues speaking, "We have two options here. Either we execute him as planned or...we throw him in a cell, and let him rot. No food, no water. What do you decide? Hands up if you want to go through with the execution tomorrow."

All of our hands shoot up, except Ronin who shrugged, "I wanna see him suffer. He put us through hell, it's only fair we send him off with a slow torturous death too."

Kai shrugged, "You're outnumbered 10 to one." he put up another hand, "Actually...make that 11. This one's for Nya."

"Make it 13." Seliel mumbled, "I'm voting for three." Dilara smiled and put her other hand up too, "Turn that to 17. It's what Nadakhan, Flintlocke, Clancee and Doubloon would have wanted."

Yang sighed, "It's settled. Execution's at 10 tomorrow."

We leave the room. I head for the greenhouse instead. When my dad was alive, before all this happened, the greenhouse was his favourite place to be at. I enter, shutting the door behind me, and wander throughout the place. It was huge.

"Well, if it isn't Lloyd Garmadon!" I jump, and my hand reaches for my knife. Chen scoffs, "You can put the knife down. I can't do anything to you."

This was true. He had tags on his ankles that erupted with a loud noise if he left the premises, and he wore clearstone bracelets on his wrists to wear them down. "I actually want to talk to you about the execution...change your mind, if you will."

I scoff, "What could you possibly say that will change my mind?"

"The bombs that went off...the ones that the Capitol hovercraft dropped. What if I told you...they weren't from the Capitol?"


"You seriously think I would bomb my own citizens?"

"Well...knowing you and what you were capable off-"

"No! Plus, what would I even get out of it? No, those bombs were staged by Yang himself."

"That's a lie and you know it." I reach for my knife again.

"Is it? Yang knew the risks of it, he knew many would die. But he still did it. He set those bombs off, to turn the Anacondrai Warriors against me." he gave a cold laugh, "He succeeded in doing so. Yang is doing this for Yang. Not for peace, not for fair rights, but for Yang. Otherwise your friend would be standing here right now. I'll admit, I was never a fan of her or her brother, but still, she'd be standing if it weren't for those bombs."

He handed me an Anacondrai skull charm, "Think about it."

He left the greenhouse. "He's right..." I turn to see Ronin leaning against the wall, "What?"

"Yang went with the plan. He knew it would result in the deaths of our own side, but he did it. I'll tell you wasn't his original plan. Your old leader, Wu? He planned the attack."

"Wu would never do that!"

"Eh. Why don't you ask him yourself?" I was left alone in the greenhouse, my mind poring over this new piece of information. Was Wu really responsible for Nya's death?

I hear a small scuffle, and I see Stuffins perched in front of me, "What do you want?"


"Nya's gone."


"Did you hear me? She's fucking gone! She's dead, and we're never gonna see her again!" I yell, tears flooding my cheeks, before realising what I've done. Dropping the skull charm, I fall to my knees and embrace the cat, "I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry."


L O C A T I O N : C A P I T O L   C E N T R E
1 0 : 0 0 A M

I was dressed in fresh armour. My mind was flooding with yesterday's thoughts, but I had to push them away. It was time for the execution to start.

The remaining citizens who were alive were seated on either side, and watched me march up to the front, followed by Kai and Seliel.

Zane had loaded the gun with a single bullet for me, but after he left, I added another bullet in too. Chen wasn't the only one dying today.

I take my position and everyone waits for Yang. He raises his arms up in the air, "Citizens of Ninjago. We are joined today to witness the end of an era, and a start of a Revolution! This wretched man will pay his justice and rot for the rest of his living days."

The speech was short, and now all eyes were on me. Pulling out the gun, I position it to face Chen.

"Those bombs were staged by Yang himself."

"Yang knew the risks of it."

"But he still did it."

"She'd be standing if it weren't for those bombs."

I quickly lift the gun and pull the trigger. Everyone gasped as blood pooled out of Yang's chest, as he collapsed. I place the gun by the side of my head. Just as I pull the trigger again, the gun is knocked out of my hand. Kai stared at me, horror etched in his face as two Warriors grab me from either side, pulling me away. The audience jump out of their seats and run towards Chen, who is laughing maniacally, his mouth red with blood.

After the citizens were done with him, he'd be dead.

L O C A T I O N : C H E N ' S   M A N S I O N
1 0 : 1 5 A M

"The hell were you thinking?" Kai snapped as he paced around.

"He deserved it. He planned it, all of it." Kai stops pacing, "What?"

"It's true. He knew what he was doing."

Kai was shaking now. "I...I need to go."

The door opened and Zane walked in just as Kai ran out. He handed me a note.

"From Dareth. It's a pardon. Ronin revealed Yang's plan with the bombs. They're having a re-election tonight."


"You don't seem happy."

"Oh, no, I am, just trying to process all of this. That's all."

"Okay, I'll talk to you later."


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