After that talk with Kirishima I felt great about my decision and I’m hoping for the best, even if that lady Naoko at the jewelry store we went that day said it would be a dream come true it still made me a little sceptical about it.
It was late now almost curfew and the girls returned Y/n to me and gave me a few small pajamas for her to wear to bed. “Alright Teddy Bear time for bed,” Y/n shook her head and pouted after she came out in her pink onesie. She looked adorable, I took down her pigtail and let her (h/c) hair fall to her shoulders, “I don’t wanna sleep,” she whined and took off running and giggling. “Fuck,” I groaned and chased after her it wasn’t long before I caught her.
She wiggled and did all she could to get out of my arms but I held onto her tightly, “Alright you little snake, time for bed,” I swung her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and brought to her room, “Nuuuu at least let me sleep in your bed tonight Kacchan” she whined, I sighed and brought her to my room. I laid her down on the bed and covered her up with the blanket, “I’ll be right back” I got a pair of sweatpants and a black t-shirt and went to the bathroom and changed my clothes.
I came back seeing Y/n fast asleep in my bed, I smiled rolling my eyes and joined her under the covers. I pulled her small body closer to mine and cuddled her and soon fell asleep.
Y/n’s point of view
Well crap I don’t remember shit, after the crap that happened Wednesday the class wouldn’t stop talking about it even after we came back to Musutafu to begin our licensing exam. Students from other hero schools are attending this, this tall dude with hid wind quirk was picking a fight with Todoroki talking about how similar his hateful eyes match his father Endeavor. Todoroki was also getting pissed off with this guy since he didn’t do anything to him. I heard his name was Insasa Yoarashi even the glare he was giving Todoroki was pissing me off.
“Hey cut the shit Yoarashi, last I checked you barely even know Todoroki, you only judge him because of his father. Keep doing that and angering my friend here I’m gonna have to tear you a new one.” I threatened as I walked in front of him, blocking him from Todoroki’s view. I glared back at him, “I hate your father too, the Number 3 hero Storm too, you have eyes just like his too. You both look the same.”
My eye twitched when he mentioned my father, I touched where the scar was on my right eye and was fuming with anger, at least he hates my father like I do, but not for the same reason. “The way you battled that blonde kid at the sports festival, you came at him with the intent to kill, no mercy just like your father. Like father like daughter. Hah I shouldn’t be surprised, your mother was the greatest but even she couldn’t stop you from being what you are now, A demon.”
I snapped and used my telekinesis to raise him high into the air, “Don' me to that abusive asshole!!!” I shouted baring my fangs, the words demon rang in my head in a never ending loop and I hated it so much. I glared at Yoarashi with burning hatred, but then he fell to the ground which told me my quirk was turned off and he fell face first into the ground. “Y/n don’t let him get you riled up like that, he’s only blocking you from your goal. Don’t listen to him, it’ll be alright, calm down.” Aizawa put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair. “Tch” I replied looking away from Yoarashi.
Then a foot came into view and stomped on Yoarashi’s head, I looked up to see Bakugo extremely pissed off, “Oi I suggest that you watch what you say to my girlfriend because even I can’t stand it when you talk shit to her. She’s the strongest than everybody in this place put together, not one person is able to lay a single hand on her in a battle, only I was able to. I’m worthy enough to fight her myself, so watch it. I’m not the only one with a bad temper, mess with her and you’ll be crushed in a matter of seconds.” Bakugo showed a hateful scowl on his face and applied pressure to Yoarashi’s head. “I’m warning you extra, if you even scratch her or even so much as touch her…. I’ll kill you.”

I Want To Marry Her Bakugo x Reader
Romansa"Y/n... don't do it...stop it..." I can barely get my feet to move as I slowly made my way towards her, tears burned in my eyes as I began reaching out for her to take my hand as my feet barely moved any closer toward her. She looked back at me, the...