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Please do read till last, for bringing the change you need to become one 🙏. So please give your few minutes here, cause it can help someone for lifetime.

Best selling authors and widowers CS Lewis said in one of his brilliant book A Grief Observed

"Nobody told me that a grief fell so much like fear".

It's powerful statement fear, but the fear of what, fear of losing yourself, fear of growing old alone, fear that this intense pain will never stop, fear of forgetting his sound or his voice, his laugh or that others will forget him, that his life won't have mattered.

Grief makes you feel isolated, alone, tereified damaged and absolutely everything.

Kell Lynn in one of her ted talks session on TEDX Adelphiuniversity said that

"I married my best friend Don Hephard after 4 years and 9 months who died out of heart attack".

There were no symptoms, no signs and of course there were no goodbyes! ".

Irrfan khan in his one if the movies said that

I suppose at the end the whole of life becomes an act of letting go but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye!.

Any person who has lost someone they love to death will tell you about you about the well intention but sometimes insensitive comments, coming from those outside saying

" It's God's plan, everything happens for a reason, there are many more, but this are some of the greatest hits and justification for this is always the same we didn't knew what to say!!!.

Why why why!! Let's change we don't to let's teach them, let's teach them how to support how to console!

The truth is that the one whome you love when they dies there is no moving on there .

Taking someone's connections to someone whome they love! What purpose that serves .

What kind of messages are we sending that people we love are replaceable, The love which you have for someone has am expiration date, their life didn't really matter, when someone you love you admire dies, you are told over and over again to move on, and something inside your heart breaks 💔and when that happens you don't feel like living anymore .

So let's instead of us fixing the people let's just sit with them inside of their pains ams we let them tell us what come next instead of us suggesting them.

Let's replace the most famous phrase MOVE ON  with I am with you in your and every losses.
Let them please say it out, they are already grieving and going through the pain if losing someone close to them.

Let's be the change so as to see the World change. Let save others from Dissappearing into the thin airs.

Let's be kind and generous let be ❤💖.

Kelly lynn 💖

She  helped a lot each and everyline I heard was worth 💖

Shared what I felt and what I heard maybe it will help some of you to overcome.

Thank you and sorry to all those jinko maine move on karne bola, I am ever ready to help you without judging you feel free to share anything and everything me, I am not pretending I will be with you as your thick and thin, though maybe I can't help you physically but I will be with you mentally 💖❤🥰.

Love to all

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