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january 21st

"nick!" i slow my running down to see him holding his head in pain. "are you ok?" i walk over to him.

"my head," he continues to hold his head.

"it's been a month since you healed, does it really hurt that bad?" he looks up at me, quickly smiles and darts to where we agreed where the finish line was. "hey!" i run behind him, but he's gonna win.

not much later, he reached our finish line we created at the park.

"i win!" he smiles at me as i pass the finish line.

"you're such a cheater," i pout.

february 13th

"nickkkk," i say on the phone with him.


"it's almost valentine's dayyyy,"


"you know what that meanssss?"


"you have to get me chocolate." i giggle.


"yup!" i pop out the p. he knows i'm only kidding, i'd only force him if we were together.

february 28th

"guess what tomorrow is," he immediately asks once i accepted his call.

"what?" i say with a smile, even though he can't see it.

"tomorrow isss," he hesitates.


"my birthday!" my eyes widen at his statement.

"you're an old man!"

"what?! i'm only turning 20!"

"old," i slightly laugh.

"you're a year younger than me so if you're calling me old, you are too." you could hear his smile.

hopefully his perspective of the world has changed.

march 1st

i wait for him to open the door, as i stand there holding a mini cake and a birthday card. soon enough he opens the door and widens his eyes as he sees what i have in my hands.

i invite myself in with a toothy smile, and set the cake down. he closes the door and walks over to me. i hand him the card and he takes it.

"open it!" i smile, waiting to see his reaction. he finally opens it, reading it to himself.

happy birthday old man! the past 2 months, almost 3, have been very fun, and i hope we can have more fun in the future. keep staying old,

-your best friend in the whole entire world, y/n

(p.s, youre old)

he smiles to himself, almost chuckling. he looks at me, shakes his head, but soon wraps me in a hug, which i don't hesitate to engulf him either.

april 5th

"i got the job!" nick screams through the phone.

"really?!" my smile is heard.


"we're gonna be work buddies!" i yell happily through the phone. it might get chaotic when we both have the same shift, but it's gonna be awesome.

april 18th

"are you just gonna watch me," i say refilling the sweets that display at the front desk.


"creep," i mumble.


i laugh at his outburst. since we're working cashier today, we both watch out for anyone trying to steal, or someone who's made a mess.

i hear the bell ring, indicating someone's entered the shop. i quickly stand up and see a tall guy walking towards us, but stop mid way once he sees something. i look towards nick to see if he knows what's happening, but he's staring at the customer with disbelief.

"nick, you ok?" i ask, but he doesn't take his eyes off the newcomer.

"clay?" he suddenly says.

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