Chapter 3 -Birthday

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"Oh we are so late aren't we?" Reyhan muttered as she sat in the car, looking at her reflection in the car's mirror. 

Emir had rented a car for them during their stay in Antalya so that he could drive and perhaps teach his little wife how to drive too.

"Well, it doesn't matter, have you ever heard of being fashionably late?" Emir winked at his wife, taking the time to admire her. 

She had made a lot of effort for their friends' dinner tonight and wanted to make a great impression as the Tarhun bride. 

He could sense she was timid, which was common for Reyhan. Instead, he held her hands so she could face him. "You are perfect, masallah. What did I do to deserve such a woman? Please tell me" he smirked and kissed her hands. 

"Emir... don't exaggerate," said Reyhan, pouting. She knew he liked it when she did that.

"Ok ok, let's go beautiful" he kissed her pink lips softly and opened the car door. He ran towards Reyhan's door to open it for her and to offer his hand. She laughed in response. 

It was strange for her to imagine her life over a year ago when they had just met and where they are now. She couldn't live without him, the days she spent away from him were like dying. She was reborn with him by her side. She felt whole.

 Reyhan studied her husband for a moment as she took his hand and got out of the car. She was even more thrilled for her surprise for him later.

"You look handsome as always," she said smiling and caressed his cheek. Sometimes it was hard for her to display her thoughts in words, but Emir understood this and knew from her eyes that she cherished him.


Emir and Reyhan stepped into the restaurant which was located outdoor on a beach. The sun was about to set, the sunlight had a deep orange hue which warmed up their skin. The restaurant's dining was next to the sea, the crisp, salty waves could even touch the feet of the people sat on the chairs, ready to be served by the waiters. 

Reyhan shut her eyes and smelt her surroundings "Mmm smells delightful, can you smell the salt Emir?" she said breathlessly. 

He proceeded to inhale "Ah yes, smells heavenly." He took her hand as they began to walk to the table, where Emir spotted his 2 male friends and their wives. 

"Emir Tarhun! I never thought I'd see the day!" said a man with dark blonde hair. "Oh yes, very different from what you know now. How are you doing friend?" he gave the man handshake then pulled him for a hug.

The other man cheered at Emir, welcoming him with joy and their wives shook Emir's hands. "It's nice to see you again Cem and Dilan, Idis and Asli. This is my love, my wife Reyhan." They shook Reyhan's hands and admired her. Dilan and Asli kissed Reyhan's cheeks.

"Lovely to finally meet you Reyhan, we have heard lots of things!" she flushed, thinking that it was the lies that Cemre had spread, but from the facial expressions, she just saw it wasn't.

"It's nice to meet you too, maybe you can tell me more about what Emir was like before we met?" she said eagerly and beamed at him.

"Oh look at her! Ready to find out things" Emir snickered and led his wife to a chair and sat next to her. 

When they all sat down and settled, Emir put his hand over Reyhan's thigh and began to stroke it gently. She looked around nervously, hoping nobody had noticed and pushed his hand away. 

"Nothing will happen" he murmured into her ear smirking. 

"No! Not here, it'll be a disgrace, lutfen" she whispered.

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