Chapter 9 - The Test

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A bit of a longer chapter... enjoy :)

Reyhan ran towards Emir pleading for him to look back at her and listen.

"Emir, please listen to me, don't go!" Emir was walking towards a gloomy forest with no light to lead Reyhan.

She was terrified, as very soon Emir would disappear amongst the darkness.

Her phone was dead, she had no source of light around her as the last street light she noticed was a mile away.

She finally caught up with him, touching his chest to stop him from wandering away.

"Lutfen, Emir, look at me...Lutfen!" She was out of breath.

Emir's face had a dark, blank expression, his eyes cold as ice, no love, no remorse.

He looked at Reyhan with his cold eyes, almost as if he didn't recognise her.

He looked at her up and down and moved her hand away and began walking again.

Reyhan ran so that she stood in front of him, blocking his view. If he went into that forest ,it would be over.

Her hands quickly cupped his face firmly and she pressed her lips against his, kissing him then putting her hands through his hair tightly, not letting him go.

He pulled away and looked at her blankly, "You betrayed me..."

"Nooo, please no!" Reyhan whimpered in her sleep and woke up to Emir on their flight to Ankara for the conference. It was a nightmare.

They chose to take a flight as Emir is injured and a car journey from their honeymoon to Ankara would take hours. It was a smart decision.

The flight was a short duration but Reyhan was so drained and dizzy from the events from the last few days as soon that as they got onto the plane she buckled her seat belt and passed out in the chair.

They chose not to go back home after they left the hospital as it would cause a commotion and Emir wasn't ready to return to his normal life.

He had simply told his wife he did not miss home and did not want to go back.

Reyhan agreed for the first time, she knew he was right and a few more days with him alone would benefit her.

"Reyhan...? Wake up, we're almost here!" Emir nudged her gently with his right hand and she opened her eyes. She had forgotten for a moment that they were on a flight.

Reyhan's eyes opened to a concerned looking Emir on her left.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a bad dream"

"Do you want to talk about it? Emir asked concerned, stroking her hair.

"You didn't listen to me... in my dream. I tried but you walked away"

"Wow sounds like I was very stupid. Anyway, don't worry about that now. We're almost here!" He took her hand and held it.

Emir wondered if flying in general makes Reyhan anxious.

"As soon as we get to our hotel, let's order some room service, I am so hungry, I could eat anything. Maybe even you!" He muttered, winking at his sweet wife, making her giggle.

"I am hungry too. How about a burger?" she responded, trying to not overthink her dream.

"Sounds great! How are you feeling about tomorrow?"

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