Chapter 7 - Hold On Love

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Reyhan sped towards Emir who fell on his back down the stairs, her heart pounding uncontrollably.

She didn't want to touch him as she knew he was hurt but couldn't see his face to see if his eyes were open or not. "Emir...." she sobbed... "Please Allah no, please not like this".

The space, where Emir was lying, was small, a 10 foot square with the basement door in front of it. If you were standing there, you would only be able to fit about 3 people.

As Emir's tall body took up nearly all of the space, Reyhan angled herself on her knees to be next to him, she didn't want to panic herself or him, but had no choice.

She glimpses at his face, notices his eyes were closed and begins to shake. "Please" she whispers, tears racing down her cheeks. Emir, please wake up, my love wake up...

She reaches into his pocket gently for phone, being careful not to move him too much, as she had left her on the table upstairs. His phone wallpaper background was a photo of her, her hands trembling as she calls an ambulance. Please please please...

"Hello... Please help my husband fell down a small flight of concrete stairs near our home...

Yes... he's not responding to me... yes I can check his pulse...." she places her fingers on his wrist and feels the beats. Her voice quivering as she tries to communicate her words accordingly to the operator on the phone.

"Yes there's a pulse, thank goodness!... Blood? I can't s--" From the corner of her eye, she sees the scarlett liquid developing from his head, though it isn't very much, it is unquestionably enough to scare the life out of her.

"There... there is blood, from his head...please..please come..." Her eyes fog with the tears as she stands up in the small space and tells the operator on the phone the address.

"Please Emirim, please hold on for me, for us, don't you ever let me go..." she crouches back down on her knees and holds his hand, the least she can do, waiting patiently for the ambulance to save her love's life before it is too late...

I can't be here without you... I refuse to... I cannot!


Two hours had passed since the ambulance had safely picked Emir up from the bottom of the stairs and taken him and Reyhan to the nearby hospital. Reyhan had cried her heart out in the ambulance and in the hospital waiting room.

A head injury was serious and it wasn't certain if it was mild or severe. Scary thoughts ran through her head as she attempted to calm herself down as she was alone.

She was told by the staff and doctors to be patient, pray and wait. Reyhan had taken the time to visit the prayer room and pray for his recovery.

Allah please don't take him away from me, he is my everything, my life won't have any meaning without him... Please cure him.

She was still unfamiliar with the area they were staying in and being in an unknown hospital felt alien to her.

Her head spinned with every thought of the worst possible things happening as after her prayer she relaxed herself on the nearby chair and kept praying in her head.

After a while, a young male member of staff with blue eyes noticed a distraught Reyhan crying on the chair.

"Miss, are you okay?" He spoke softly and understood she was waiting for a relative, but couldn't figure out who. Reyhan gave no response, her eyes were lost.

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