Chapter 1

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It was Monday. 7 in the morning and Stuart didn't want to get out of bed.

His weekends were always quiet since his friends didn't bother with him anymore. Weekends became an escape for him though, until school started again. You'd think that'd be the same for any kid who hated school. But it was different for Stuart.

A knock was heard from the other side of his bedroom door and his mother came in, opening the curtains to wake her son up.

"Chop chop! You're gonna be late for school", she pulled the quilt from his bed.

"I'm sick"

"Don't be silly, cmon it's the first day back". She smiled at him sadly, moving the stray hairs from his face before she got up to leave. She knew why he didn't like Monday's. Well... Half the reasons.

All his lessons were with Murdoc on Monday's. Tutor was always first, through the whole week. Though it wasn't exactly a lesson but more of a registration and chill class before lessons started so it didn't count. It so happened that Murdoc was put in the same Tutor as him.

Murdoc was in his Tutor, English, PE, Music and Maths. And Monday just had to have all of those.

The boy sighed and finally decided to get up, checking his phone for the time. It was 7:20, an hour before he had to leave. So he got his T virus top and blue jeans from the wardrobe and headed to the shower.

His backpack was waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs, next too his shoes that he always hopped in from the last stair. His mother always did that for him, it was something he did as a child that always made him giggle. Except it didn't even give him a smile anymore, despite still doing it.

He went into the kitchen and sat at the table opposite his dad, picking at his bacon and toast. He didn't even eat much anymore either. "Don't let him get you down son, it's not worth it anymore", his father spoke knowing Murdoc was the reason for him not liking Monday's. His father didn't say anything else after that. Just finished his coffee and headed to work. "Have a good day you two!" He called out as he left the house.

"You sure you don't want me to talk to the principle about moving classes?", his mom sat in the seat her husband was just in. "Nah it's fine mom, really". He put on  a fake smile and left the unfinished breakfast as he headed to the door himself. Making sure he had his phone and keys before grabbing his backpack and heading to school.


Kids were already calling his names and whispering about him before he even made it to the school doors. Not by his real name but the names they gave him, 2D... Dents... Facache and dullard.... He didn't ask to be like this. His blood covered eyes, his two missing front teeth, his sickly pale skin and not so smart brain. The car accident wasn't his fault, it was the drunk driver that hit them. Stuart and his parents, and Murdoc. But Murdocs nose was jacked up from it as well, yet no one picked on him for it, nor his zombie like skin.

No, Murdoc never got bullied. Because he was the bully, along with the assholes he hung around with. He bullied Stuart because of those assholes. He knew that if he stayed by his side he'd end up in his situation as well.
So he saved himself the trouble and left Stuart to fade away.

Speaking of, there they were, stood around Murdocs locker that was across the hall from Stuarts. Murdoc watched him get shoved and tripped every second as he tried to get to his locker.

"Hey Facache!", one of the jocks called out as he threw a half finished water bottle at the back of his head. They all laughed. And Murdoc just smirked as they wondered off. 

Stuart was already in his seat when the bell rang and the students started piling their way in, sitting in their assigned seats. Stuart was placed in the middle and Murdoc was behind him 1 seat away and slightly the the right. So he saw everytime a ball of paper got thrown at him or when someone would kick his legs, pull his hair or push his chair out when he'd go to sit down.

Stuart Pot (2Doc)Where stories live. Discover now