Chapter 4

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When Murdoc got to school the next day, people were already starting a small shrine for Stuart. Placing flowers and lighting candles where he died. He didn't have anything on him to offer right then and some people gave him a disgusted look as they went inside.

It was his fault that he jumped, but he didn't bully him as much as everyone else did. He couldn't. They didn't have the right to mourn over his death. No one did. They all did him wrong and he didn't deserve any of it. Yet they all only blamed him.

He felt the stares of the people who once loved him as he walked through the hallway, keeping his head down. His friends were at his locker when he got there, they didn't look happy.

"You were friends with that fag the whole time weren't you?!", Del shoved him into the lockers.

"We weren't friends"

"Yeah but you used to be! Is that why you hardly did anything, and why he had pictures of you?", he shoved him again.

"Fucking gross, cmon guys". He ordered his minions follow him, leaving Murdoc behind as people whispered around him.

Was he the target now? Because of what he did?

Was this how Stuart felt all those years?...

The school went quiet as the principle had spoke though the tannoy, getting everyone's attention.

"Emergency assembly in the main hall. Everyone please make your way there now"

And so everyone did. Pushing past him and giving him dodgy looks as they went by.

The school hasn't had an assembly in so long, it was almost awkward. The principle waited on the stage as students and teachers gathered in, waiting for everyone to sit down so he could start whatever he was doing.

"There has been a lot of bad things happening in our school lately and that's why I have called for an emergency assembly. Unfortunately we lost a very lovely, quiet student yesterday, his name was Stuart Pot for those who didn't know him. It is absolutely terrible what happened to him and things may be rough for a while, for those suffering because of the tragedy. I know were all shocked from what we had saw and I just want to let everyone know that it's okay to mourn, its okay to be sad and scared and if any of you want to get something off your chest, please come up to the stage and say so. This is a way to hopefully make you feel at least somewhat at ease and have the chance to say something nice about him"

The room went silent for a while until someone abruptly stood up and made their way through the seated students and to the stage.

It was Noodle.

"Me, Russel and Stuart grew up together when we were younger. We may have grew apart once high school came around but that never stopped us from thinking or caring about him. If we didn't grow apart we would've still been close friends...", she sniffled, wiping away a small tear. "You wanna know why he became what he was? It's because all you fucking low lives who bullied him every second of the day and didn't even stop to think about his feelings or what he was going through! And now you're acting like he was a friend and your'e all grieving over his death?! You don't fucking deserve to be sad. Neither do you Murdoc... You don't even deserve to be here"

She stomped off the stage crying but sat back in her chair next to Russel, who smoothed her back reassuringly. He could tell she wanted to leave but she probably wanted to see if anything else happened in the assembly.

And she probably chose right.

Murdoc stood up. Everyone shot daggers at him as he hesitantly walked to the stage. It was like his body was moving before his mind was even thinking and he'd probably only make things worse if he went up there. But that was too late.

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