Chapter 7

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Ace was heading home early. The guys had finished with their dealer jobs and headed to a party which he didn't feel like going to right now. In all honestly, he just wanted to go home and check on Murdoc. He'd been more down than usual lately.

He decided to head to the shops before hand to get some food and cigs with the money he gained from his job earlier, so he could make something for him and Murdoc once he got back.

But that didn't go as planned.

"Hey Mudz I'm home! The guys are staying out longer but I brought back food for us!". He called out as he shut the front door and placed the grocery bags on the wobbly kitchen table.

Something seemed off though. Usually when it was just him and Murdoc alone he'd hear his bass. Sometimes crying but he acted like he never noticed cause he knew how much he hated people seeing him in a vulnerable state.

He got a bad feeling and was anxious as he walked to Murdocs room, not ready for what had been exposed to him once he opened the door.

He let out a scream and fell to the floor, his hands over his mouth in terror but somehow couldn't keep his eyes off the scene in front of him.

Blood scattered over the off white walls and the springy bed. Most of his head was demolished and insides scattered like something straight out a horror movie. His body shook immensely as he pulled out his phone from his jacket pocket. Trying his best to dial those three numbers.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"M-m-my f-friend..." He stuttered.

"Is everything okay sir, please calm down"

"My friend... He... He k-killed himself". He chocked out.

"What's your address sir. I'll send our people over right way"

He told him their address and was asked to stay on the phone. He was being asked questions like what happened, who his friend is, or wAs in that case, and when did this happen. All until the cops and an Ambulance arrived.

One of the coppers had took him into a different room to get him away from the horrible scene and try to get more answers from him.

Having the police there was dangerous due to the people him and his roommates were and the things they had hidden around the house. But he didn't care about that anymore. He was too mortified.

Another cop came in with somethings in a ziplock bag and handed it to him.

It was 2 letters and a USB stick.

He got them out and started reading them, tearing up as he did.

Not long after the rest of his housemates came home. Scared of why there we're police outside their home.

Ace was outside on the decaying porch as they walked up to him. "Yo dude what's going on? Are we in trouble?", the eldest asked.

"Murdocs dead". He blankly stated, gripping the blanket that he had wrapped around him. It was the middle of the night by now. It was cold.

"Fuck man, we're sorry we weren't here", another spoke up as they sat beside him. Rubbing his back in reassurance.

"You wouldn't have wanted to see what I saw. It was worse than any of you guys have ever done", he started shaking again. The sight of Murdocs brains and blood on the walls kept repeating through his head.

"Excuse me, do all of you live here?", a cop came out.

"Yes sir"

"I'm sorry about your loss. We're currently getting rid of the corpse and cleaning everything up so that room is out of bounds for now and will take until morning to be done with. Maybe til tomorrow's evening but we're not 100% sure yet. In the mean time you can stay somewhere else if you want and hand over the keys... Or you can stay"

"Thank you officer. Well leave for the night and check in tomorrow", the eldest handed his keys over, not bothered since they all had their own anyways.

"Cmon Ace, les go"

"I-I'm gonna stay"

"You sure bro? You gonna be okay?"

"I'll be fine. I just... I just wanna stay"

The elder sighed, "Okay dude, we'll be at Trevors if you change your mind aright"

With that they all left. How could they act so calm about this? They act like they don't care.

Ace sighed and hugged his knees to his chest. The bag with the letters and USB next to him as he sat there all night, up until morning.

Stuart Pot (2Doc)Where stories live. Discover now