Chapter 2

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He had woken up with the photos and song lyrics scattered around him. The house felt a little too quiet and his mom hadn't came in to wake him up yet so he turned his phone on to see the time. It was 10:15. And he was late for school. He didn't panic though, he only missed tutor and science.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and got up, noticing the letter on his desk.

'Morning sweet, I phoned the school and told them you'll be skipping morning classes but make sure you go in at lunch okay?

Breakfast is in the microwave if you're hungry.

Love you.


That only could've meant that she and father had already left for work. Maybe she didn't wake him up because she saw the crying mess he was from last night.

He sighed as he looked back at his messy bed and noticed a photo had fallen to the floor. He picked it up and it was a photo of Murdoc, smiling from ear to ear with his bass in his hands. He smiled sadly and put it on the desk before heading to the shower.

After he had gotten dressed he looked back at the photo, edging to pick it up. So he did and put it in his back pocket before heading downstairs and hopping into his shoes. He went into the kitchen to see what was waiting for him in the microwave. It was a bacon toasty which once again he didn't want to eat so he took the top toast off and ate that as he headed out. Grabbing his keys and backpack before locking up the house and walking to school.

It was now 10:25 and the bell was about to ring for lunch. He was glad he made it in for lunch, that way he didn't have to walk into the middle of a class and get stared and whispered at when he had to explain to the teacher why he was late.

He still got pushed around as he walked through the hallway, trying to get to the field to sit under his favourite tree. All until a certain jock had started calling out for him.

"Heeyyyy look who finally decided to show up!", Del laughed as he wrapped his arm around his shoulder and ruffled his blue hair violently. "Ooh what's this?", he was confused until he felt a hand in his back pocket, pulling out the photo of Murdoc. He silently cursed at himself forgetting that was there.

"What the fuck, you stalking Murdoc now you fucking fag?!", he growled before throwing a punch that knocked him to the ground as his minions kicked him and emptied out his backpack all over him and the floor.

No one cared to stop them from beating him to death. Not even the teachers. The students either laughed as they recorded it or ignored the whole scene and walked on by.

They finally stopped when the bell for 3rd period had rung. They had beaten the kid and laughed at him for the whole of lunch.

"Oi where's that photo?", Jackson searched around until someone spoke up.

"Tossed it". Murdoc smirked at his friends when they started heading to class but looked at Stuart blankly as he stepped over his bruised body. Everyone left him to cry and collect his stuff in the now empty hallway. He ran to the bathroom and skipped 3rd period. He couldn't go anywhere looking like this. A black eye forming, not like his eyes weren't already black enough from the accident and the bags from his restless nights. He also got a busted lip and a nose bleed. Probably a few bruised ribs as well.

He wet a bit of tissue from the stalls and dabbed his cut lip hesitantly, hissing at the pain. He wanted to go home. But he knew that if he did, his mom would get a call about his absence again. So he waited 3rd period to go by so he could go to his last class.

It seemed pointless going to that lesson because it was the last one for today, seeming as he missed the others, but he had to at least get his name marked on the register so his mom didn't get that call. He left the bathroom before the bell and headed to his class. He knew that if he got there early, people wouldn't bother him as much as he squeezed his way through the crowds.

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