Chapter 8

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The cops had finally finished everything and left after manking sure Ace was alright and if he needed anything. He didn't and headed inside when the cops left.

He sighed and locked the front door, leaning against it. He could see Murdocs room from where he stood.

He walked to the closed door and pushed it slowly, letting it fall open itself.

Everything was gone. Except his desk, everything in his wardrobe, his guitar and some other things on the floor. The things that were gone had been thrown away due to the blood staining it.

Ace started tearing up as he fell to his knees in the middle of the room. He may not have known Murdoc for long but he thought of him like the brother he never had. He really cared about him. He knew this day would come, he just didn't expect it to happen so soon and he wasn't there for him. Wasn't there to dave him.

For the first time ever... He wasn't there to pick him back up.

He heard a bag wrinkle as he crossed his legs, remembering the note and USB still in his back pocket and pulled it out to read it again.

Murdoc asked to do a favour for him and he was going to do it.

He jumped up and opened Murdocs wardrobe, grabbing his rucksack and shoving things that belonged to him in there. He made sure to keep somethings for him self as well, like his bass, some clothes his favourite boots and some pictures but the rest he was going to give back to his family.

He collected everything he needed and put it aside for now, grabbing another bag to put all of Stuart's stuff in. He knew what was his because he talked to Murdoc about it all the day he moved in, when he explained everything to him.

He didn't keep anything of his stuff though, he felt like it would be disrespectful cause he didn't know the guy. He did keep one photo of him which had Murdoc in though.

The room was practically empty now. All of Murdocs belongings were just his and Stuart's and it wasn't a lot. He put both bags in the corridor and shut the bedroom door before printing out other copies of Murdocs suicide letter.

He made 3 and kept the original for him self.

He decided he'd do this today so he wouldn't feel guilty about not telling the others about the tragedy right away. And to hurry up and get rid of everything before he got to attached to it and get lost in grief. It sounds harsh but sometimes it's best to let go of things no matter what, others wise you could get stuck with that horrible feeling forever. But it's still good to keep at least something for the memory.

The way Ace and his roommates put it was not to get too attached to someone or something because you won't have it forever. That's why the older 3 never really bothered with him and Murdoc. But he felt different towards Murdoc.

He was surprised he wasn't tired from the traumatising day and having to stay up all night, as he watched his friends body being carried out the house in a body bag. He was in the same clothes and didn't bother to change or shower before heading out.

So he grabbed the bags and threw them in the passenger seat of his car, headed to the addresses written on the letter.

First he would head to Murdocs parents house. Then Stuart's. Then their friends. He knew the two friends would be in school since it was Thursday but he couldn't wait for them to finish.

He wanted to get this over and done with so he can go to sleep and shut everything out for a while.

He pulled up to Murdocs old house and knocked on the door.

"Is this Mr and Mrs Niccals house?"
He asked politely to the couple that answered the door. They nodded and asked who he was.

"My names Ace, I was friends with Murdoc and lived together for a while, uhm... I'm sorry to say but,, he died yesterday, and he asked me to do a favour and give you this"

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