Chapter 3

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(Before this chapter starts: Please play the song when I say to. It will make more sense that way, if you have a good imagination lmao)

Stuart woke up on time today and got dressed, making sure to grab the USB stick, his phone and keys before sneaking down the stairs. He knew his mum always came up to his room at 7:15 and it was 7:05 so he had time to leave before his parents saw him.

So he crept down the stairs and slid in his shoes. Just as he picked up his bag and opened the door, there was a call from the kitchen. "Stuart, is that you?", it was his dad and he could hear his chair scrape on the floorboards as he got up.

"Uh yeah! Gonna get to school early today, we have a test!" He quickly replied as he slammed the door behind him and ran to the end of the road. At least till he was out of view from his house and started to walk the rest of his way.

His black eye and split lip were still visible so he couldn't face his family. Specially not before what he had in mind for today.

He made it to school just as more students were showing up and crowded the hallways. As always he got pushed around, some even pulled his hair today.

He put his stuff in his locker and headed to his first class; maths, then history, then lunch came.

People were throwing things at him as he walked to the field. All until Murdocs friends caught his eye.

"Hey Faceache! I'm surprised you came in after yesterday. Got anymore photos of your crush here?", he laughed as he smacked the back of Stuart's head and walked past.

"M-Murdoc..." The blue boy spoke up.

"Holy shit he speaks!" Del laughed and Jackson joined in, "Your boyfriends calling for you ahaha"

Murdoc looked at him with a disgusted look, trying to act cool in front of his so called 'friends' and the students that started to gather around us. He went to take a step forward until Murdoc spoke, "Don't come near me you fag", he slightly whispered the last word but it was still loud enough for everyone to hear.

He just wanted to see if he'd actually speak to him this time. But it was obvious he wouldn't so he didn't keep his hopes up. But he couldn't handle it anymore. He barged past Murdoc and ran off.

"EW BRo he touched you!", they pushed each other around in a playful matter and Stuart headed to the field.

A few minutes went by and Murdoc and his gang could hear shouting and students were running to the front of the school building. They knew something was happening when the teachers running. So they went to see what all the fuss was about until two old friends of his and Stuart's stormed towards him.

The small girl slapped him across the face and started yelling Japanese curses at him. "What the fuck Noodle?", he growled confused.

"STUARTS ON THE ROOF AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" with that Russel grabbed his wrist and ran through the crowds to the front of the building, alongside Noodle and the bullies.

His heart froze at the sight that was above him.

"STUART!", he called out but didn't get a reaction. His friends had watched him with frowns when he made a b line for the stairs that went to the roof. They all bully the kid so why was Murdoc going after him? They were all confused but pissed at the same time.

"What are you doing?!", he called to him desperately.

Stuart turned around and Murdoc was hit with a moment of relief until he saw his face. He was crying. Holding his fist to his chest.

"Stuart come here... Please!", he begged. Inching towards him.

"It's not so fun when your the one struggling is it. How do you think I felt all these fucking years!" Stuarts fists fell to his sides as he stared at him angrily yet tears still pouring from his empty eyes.

"You left me... And I loved you goddamnit but you fucking left me! Do you know how hard it's been since you left? And for what? Popularity? So you wouldn't end up like I have? Standing on the edge of a fucking rooftop", Stuart held his hand over his eyes with a sob. It's really finaly came to this?

"Stu please come here, we can talk about this", he slowly walked to him but only to see Stuart step back a little more.

"Don't- don't call me that. And don't come near me... Things will be better if I just leave right... Here, this is for you. I hope you live a great life Murdoc", he threw the small USB stick at him as Murdoc looked down but instantly looked back up only to see him step off.

"STUART!", he yelled, racing to the edge to catch him... But it was too late when he heard the screams of everyone on the ground.

His body went numb as he hung over the edge, where his best friend just was. He stared at the splattered blood and everything went slow motion for a second.

He jump up and grabbed the USB as he leaped down the stairs to the front of the school.

He fell to his knees the moment he saw Stuarts lifeless body, holding his hand over his mouth as he cried.

Noodle ran up to him and started hitting him, pushing him to the ground as they both cried. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Russel went to join her in beating him up but got forced away as teachers pulled them off and separated the three. Murdoc shrugged the teacher off that tried to help him up and stayed where he was on his knees. His fists in his hair and tears streaming sown his face as he stared at his loves body. He couldn't look away no matter how much it hurt. Everyone looked at him with terror and disgust as others looked away from the horrible sight.

The police and ambulance soon came and took him away. The principle told everyone to go home early and if they needed to they could take time off school for a bit. He grabbed Murdocs arm and dragged him into his office, forcing him into a chair on the other side of his desk and he called both his and Stuart's parents.

Both families were confused as to why they were called in suddenly and especially why Murdoc was shaking in fear with tear stains down his face. The principle told them everything. Stuart's parents were mortified, crying as they left to go to the hospital. His own parents were also crying as they dragged him to their car and started yelling at him. Some students that were still there were watching the scene happen. But he felt nothing. He couldn't hear anything. They drove home without him, leaving him to walk home by himself.

When he made it home his parents were in the living room, discussing things about him. He didn't know what about since he didn't stick around but he knew they were disgusted of him now.

He closed his door and flopped onto his bed, squeezing the pillow to his face when he heard something fall onto the floor.

It was the USB Stuart threw at him. He jumped up and rushed to his desk where his laptop was. He turned it on and plugged the sick in, clicking the file that said his name. The recording was also named Murdoc. He pressed play and his heart throbbed as he watched Stuart sit back in his chair and sigh before he started strumming his guitar.

(Play song- Also Obviously Gorillaz didn't write this song but just pretend 2D did lmao)

He cried as he listened to his beautiful, yet broken voice and his heart would throb everytime he'd cry through his words. This song was made for him. To him. And he understood every word. His mind filling with regret and guilt as Stuart let out his last tears and stopped the video. And that's when he broke.

He screamed, throwing things from his desk, flipping his chair, ripping the posters from the walls and raising his Bass above his head. He was about to smash it against the ground when he froze, realising what he was doing and held it close to him. He hugged his bass as he curled up on the floor, crying.

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