Chapter 5

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Murdoc couldn't remember when he got to bed last night. He didn't even remember if he actively got into the bed himself but none of that bothered him due to the horrible ache down his back and the headache from being hungover.

He looked around and noticed 2 pills and a bottle of water on his bedside cabinet. Maybe his parents put them there?

No way.

He took them and headed downstairs to find his mum and dad sad at the table. They seemed to be waiting for him.

"So", his dad spoke up as Murdoc walked to the kitchen doorway.

"Wanna tell us why you skipped school yesterday and drank four bottles of alcohol"

It wasn't a question. It was a demand and neither of them looked happy... Just disappointed.

"The assembly was about Stuart... I spoke up". He replied taking another sip of his water that he brought down with him.

"Well that we know, the principle sent us the video", he pointed at his phone that was already on with him on the screen. Murdoc frowned and played the video but paused it seconds after, not wanting to relive that moment. "But why did you drink"

He was hesitant to answer but did anyways. "Wanted to forget"

"Forget that you killed your best friend? Well news flash Murdoc no one will ever forget something as fucking disgusting as that!". His mother slammed the table with her hands.

The room fell silent for a few seconds. Both their eyes on him as he stared at the table, unable to speak. And with his mum yelling and banging on the table, it didn't help the pills to kick in. Just made his headache even worse.

"Pack your stuff Murdoc". His dad spoke as he stood up from his chair, walking towards him. He turned him around and slightly pushed him towards the stairs. "Wh-what?" He stuttered. Confused as his own father kept nudging him.

"You heard me. We won't stand to have someone like you in this family". With one last push, Murdoc turned towards him angrily, getting his fathers hands from him forcefully.

"What the fuck?! No I'm not-"

"DON'T FUCKING TALK BACK MURDOC. PACK YOUR SHIT AND LEAVE YOU FUCKING LOW LIFE" Murdoc flinched with every yell, towering over him. His father never yelled at him before. It honestly scared him.

He ran back to his room and started throwing essential things into his rucksack. His phone, wallet, clothes, toiletries, his guitar and lastly a picture of him and Stuart. His hand lightly shook as he looked at it, before shoving it in his bag with everything else. He didn't bother taking his keys. He just left them on his desk as he stormed out. His parents watched him as he slammed the front door behind him.

He held his guitar to his chest as he walked to school. He didn't know what he was doing anymore. He had no home, no friends, no where to go.

And no Stuart.

He was still hugging his guitar as he entered the school building. He kept his eyes to the floor but he knew people were staring. Probably thinking why was he back? Why did he have his guitar with him? Why was his rucksack so big?

They were whispering about him, some showing the video of his speech to others, some threw things at him and barged into him. He made sure to keep his guitar safe though. He couldn't loose that, not after everything else he had just lost within the last 2 days.

Thankfully the only person that still liked him was his music teacher, David. Or at least the only person who could put up with him. Probably not as much anymore but it was worth trying talk to him.

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