Chapter 6

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Murdoc had two more months left of school until he graduated. In that length of time he managed to find a place to stay. That place was also a home for 4 other people and unfortunately neither of them were good. He wasn't in danger. He wasn't in debt. He just found people who were like him and in similar situations and they decided to take him in. Three of them were much older but the other was his age. He got along with them all but he found himself to be closer to Ace.

Ace always helped him out when he was low. He stuck by his side and so he opened up to him about everything. He could trust him.

But things only got worse for Murdoc. The nightmares kept him up at night. The drinking got worse to the point he did it everyday. He started smoking. Sometimes did drugs when his house mates got a new load from their dealers.

He didn't go to school as much. The bullying got worse to the point he had to go to the hospital once due to a broken rib. He had been stomped on viciously by the guy who was once his friend. Del.

Stuart's funeral wasn't that long after he passed. Murdoc went but stayed out the way cause no one wanted him there. He would still go to his grave to say sorry. Cry most the time. Sometimes pass out next to him from being drunk. He missed him. He didn't want to be without him anymore.

He had so much hatred for himself. So much grief and sorrow.

He almost killed himself not long ago. He was on a bridge that went over train rails. He was drunk as he balanced on top the rail that was supposed to keep people from falling. Though not for him. But he was suddenly pulled back by Ace who had followed him. He was worried about him since he was so low the day of Stuart's funeral.

Murdoc didn't have a job. No one would take him because he was young and didn't have grades or good ones in that case and because his drinking problem obviously. So this caused his housemates to get rowdy with him sometimes cause he couldn't help with bills and other things.

He was too tired.

It was Wednesday, his housemates were out god knows where and doing what ever they we're doing and he was left all alone. In the silence of his empty room. All he had in there was his clothes, Stuart's stuff, his instruments, a mouldy window that didn't shut properly and an uncomfortable mattress on the floor with pictures of him and Stuart on the wall around it.

He cried himself to sleep almost every night to those photos. Wondering where it all went wrong and why.

Everything was silent. Calm. Lonely. He was lying on his bed. His mind was empty. His eyes were puffy and sore. He had no energy left in him.

This was it.

He remembered one of his older housemates showing him his gun once and hoped he didn't keep it on him. He went into the guys room and turned everything upside down in search of it.

It was hidden in his matrice, the rip was under his pillow. He picked it up and checked to see if any bullets were in it. There was.

He went back to his room with it and set it beside him on his bed before grabbing a piece of paper and a pen and started writing.

'I'm sorry. I never wanted things to be like this. I didn't mean any of it. I regret everything and I wish I could take it back. Whoever sees this, it means I'm dead. I can't handle this grief anymore. This guilt. I'm sorry to everyone for everything I have done. I'll be gone for good this time. Goodbye.

He grabbed another piece of paper. A separate one for Ace himself.

"I'm sorry to have caused you guys so much trouble. I appreciate you taking me in, I wouldn't know where I'd be without you. Thanks for being there for me Ace. Tell the guys I said bye. Not that they'd care anyways.

I have one more favour to ask though, could you show my letter to Noodle, Russel, my family and Stuart's family please? Along with this USB stick. Thank you.


He placed the papers on the floor with the USB on top.

He took one last swig at his beer before picking up the gun and resting it under his chin, clocking it.

"Maybe I'll get to see you again Stu", he smiled as a tear rolled down his face. "I hope you can forgive me"

He gave his last weak smile as a tear rolled down his cheek,

And pulled the trigger.

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