Chapter 2. Treating Luffy

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~Next Day~

It was early the next morning when Chopper went to go check on Luffy.

Upon looking through the small window, he noticed that Luffy wasn't in the bed. He starts panicking and calls out for Zoro.

"I can't find Luffy," Chopper cries out, Sanji over heard them.

He ask both Sanji and Zoro to help him find Luffy. "Where could've that dumbass captain go to?" Sanji asks to himself, looking around.

Sanji and Zoro go looking for Luffy all over the ship. What they fail to notice, is Luffy sleeping in his hammock. He had been there the entire time. So when they went looking for him, they didn't think to look in the most obvious place; the same room they were all sleeping in.

After about an hour of searching for their supposed missing Captain, they finally had to ask someone else for help.

"Robin-chan~ Can you help us? We can't find Luffy anywhere." Sanji admits defeatingly.

"Do you know where he is?" Zoro chimes in.

Robin pointed towards their sleeping quarters. "Have you looked in there yet?" She hums with a smile.

"Um no..." Zoro says looking away. How could they forget to check in there??

"We'll go check," Robin says yawning, she was ready to go back to sleep.

Zoro's and Sanji's eyes go wide as they stare in shock at one another; they run out of the kitchen and down under the deck to their sleeping quarters.

"Of course he's here," Zoro huffed.

"I should've guessed he would've been down here..." Sanji says admittedly.

Zoro goes to pick Luffy up, both guys then go back up deck on deck and to the room.

They kick Nami out, so they can put Luffy back down to rest. They all leave except for Chopper whom had slipped into the room at some time. He has to keep an eye on Luffy just in case his condition got any worse.

Chopper's POV -

"Ok Luffy, let's check your vitals. Hmm, ok." He was a little concerned about the results that he had just received.

'His heart is beating slower and he still hasn't warmed up yet. He feels like an ice cube.'

I got up off my chair, and walked outside, I call for everyone to come down to the deck for a quick meeting. I had to tell them what was happening.

"Everyone, I need you all to come down to the deck please! it's an emergency!" I call out to everyone to stop what they were doing and come over for my announcement.

Narrator's POV -

Everyone except for Zoro who was sleeping and Sanji who was preparing lunch had met Chopper on the deck.

"Sanji, Zoro come on; we're waiting for you!" Nami calls out, cupping her hands over her mouth. Sanji rushes over to Nami and coos over her.

Zoro yawning, walks down to the deck to where everyone was gathered. "What's up Chopper?" Zoro asks half asleep and yawning.

Chopper's POV -

"Luffy's body temperature went down much further last night then it had the during the day. Also, his heart has started slowing down, it's different from what his normal pulses are. I believe this is some type of flu, but I'm not exactly curtain of what type it is. I'm honestly not too sure about the heart rate, it might just be a medical condition," I say on the verge of tears.

After explaining what I believe was wrong with Luffy, I ask Sanji to help me. I explained to him that I needed him to help with Luffy getting his body temperature back up.

He was reluctant at first, but he soon agreed to do it; it was only once he was persuaded by Nami to do help him.

"So Chopper, what do I have to do?" Sanji asks walking into the room, and shutting the door behind him with his foot.

"Well since the blankets aren't warming him up fast enough, I need you to-" I was cut off by Sanji shouting.

"Wait- wait- wait! You're not telling me- Chopper....Are you saying that I have to get in the bed with him. With Luffy??" He growls taking a large puff of his cigarette.

"Well yes. It's the only way, or else his hypothermia will get even worse then it is right now! After that there's no way to recover him, well to my knowledge. So please Sanji, just do it Sanji." I pleaded with puppy dog eyes even though I'm a reindeer.

"Fine! Give me a second." He growls under his breath as he finishes his cigarette, by throwing it in the ocean.

"Thank you!" I say, turning away I mumble to myself about the cigarette he threw in the ocean. It pissed me off, but what am I going to do about that now?...

Narrator's POV-

Sanji gets into the bed with Luffy. He was trying not to get so close to him. Chopper told him to move closer, but he wasn't moving any closer.

When he wouldn't Chopper was at his last wits end. He turns into his second form, and kicks Sanji closer to Luffy.

"Ow!" Sanji yells rubbing his back.

"Sorry, you're too slow." Chopper says very sarcastically. After that, he was clapping the dust off his hooves as he walks to the door.

"Stay like that, you need to warm him up. You agreed to help!" Chopper yells reminding him of his promise.

"I didn't agree to this!" Sanji yells back pointing with one of his hands to the sleeping Luffy.

"Ugh. I'll come back in a few hours to check on you two." and with that Chopper left the room.

Words - 961

Get ready for the next part, there's gonna be a little tea. 😉

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