Chapter 7. Hold On Luffy

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Sanji's POV -

We were trying our best to sneak around with getting caught by the marines.

"Zoro slow down a bit!" I shouted to him.

"I am! Keep up with me or else you'll get left behind!" He shouted back.

After hours of running like a bunch of chickens with our heads cut off, we finally found a hospital.

"Took you long enough." I said walking towards the building.

"I was following you too." Zoro stated with a sigh and a smirk.

I opened the door and left Zoro go past me. Upon entering the building people were staring at us, I felt out of place but we were here for Luffy.

'If I remember correctly Vivi told us that there would be someone in this town that we could trust. Who is it?'

"You must be miss Vivi's friends, correct?" An old guy said stepping forward.

"Um yes, can you help us?" Zoro asked bowing a bit.

"Yes, please help. Our cap- friend needs your help." I said Boeing too.

He ushered us to come with him. "It's ok I know who you are." He said with a warm smile.

The nice old man brought us into a room, he told us to put Luffy down on the bed.

2 nurses walked in putting on gloves, the old guy escorted us out of the room.

The doctor called out to start an IV. drip.

"It's ok, they know too. You 2 must be cold. The room across from your friends has dry clothes if you want to get out of those wet clothes." The old man pointed to he room.

"Um I think-" I was cut off.

"Yes thank you sir." Zoro said bowing.

"Your clothes will be dried and given back to you."

We walked into the other room and instantly spotted the clothes the old man had generous loaned us.

I went to 1 side of the room and Zoro the other. Changing I couldn't help but zone out thinking about Luffy.

"Hey Sanji, you almost done?" Zoro called out.

"Um yeah almost." I quickly got dressed.

Narrator's POV -

The old guy put his gloves on upon entering the room Luffy was in.

Whilst examining Luffy the old guy noticed that his throat was all red and swollen.

Also that he looked to be in a tremendous amount of pain.

'Maybe the flu? or just a cramp from eating too much? He thought.

The old guy also noticed that Luffy was thinner, like he hadn't eaten much in days.

"Alright everyone let's get started." The guy clapped his hands together.

Zoro's POV -

'Sanji's been acting weird lately, maybe he's getting sick too or.....'

"Hey Zoro..." Sanji spoke softer.

"Hmm, what is it?" I asked not really wanting to talk.

"What do you think that flu that Liffy has was?" He asked.

"I don't know, best not to worry so much about it." I said.

This lady came into the room and asked for our clothes, I gave her mine and Sanji did the same. Of course him being him he has to flirt with her.

I just turned over on my side and tried to fall asleep not wanting to hear that ladies man go on and on.

Narrator's POV -

Meanwhile with the old guy and Luffy.

"Oh, yes! Doctor he tested positive for kidney stones and a bad case of the flu." 1 nurse said.

"I'll get the medicine!" The other nurse said running out of the room.

She came back moments later, they got the medicine in the needles really.

Just then Luffy woke up, he took 1 look at the needle and passed out.

"Well that takes care of anesthesia, hahaha." The old man chuckled.

(They still used it.)

Injecting the needle into his arm, he wakes up again. This time thrashing and trying to speak.

Just like before he couldn't speak, no sound would come out. 1 nurse injected a little more anesthesia, it knocked him out again.

"Hmm, this ones a fighter all right. We just have to let it pass, Hibana could you stay in the room in case he passes them." The old man asked.

"Oh of course, it's my job after all." She smiled as the doctor and the other nurse walked out.

She sat down in corner of the room.

Words - 732

I got a bit carried away writing this 😜

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