Chapter 4. Kitchen Disaster

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Sanji's POV -

"Morning Sanji~" Nami happily announced by the sink.

"Um morning. Wait huh?! What is the hell was that loud noise?!" I angrily shout looking around the room.

"Oh sorry it was me, I was just putting away dishes and 1 slipped out of my hand. Robin and I were just trying to help out." Nami stated with a devilishly on her face.

"Oh it's alright Nami dear, no need to worry over that. You too Robin it's no trouble, don't worry about it." I said back gushing over the girls like always.

"As for you 2 clean this mess up right now!" I shouted pointing at both Usopp and Zoro.

They cleaned up the broken dish from off the floor and left the kitchen grumbling to themselves.

Nami left too, smiling devilishly at Zoro and Usopp. I then heard 2 horrified screams come from outside.

I look out the window and notice Zoro and Usopp laying on the ground with bruised heads as Nami walked away looking pleased with herself.

'Yeesh what am I going to do with them...' I thought as I sulked over the sink.

Chopper's POV -

While Sanji was dealing with the guys upstairs I decided to see how Luffy was doing.

"Morning Luffy. How are you feeling?" I asked getting out my medical tools.

"I....m do, fi cold but an....wa do... bet..." Luffy mumbled. (I'm doing fine ,cold but anyway doing better.)

'Well at least he's talking again.' I smiled and nodded cause I didn't really know what he said.

I grabbed my stethoscope, blood pressure monitor and some antibiotics.

"Ok Luffy can you sit up now?" I asked and he did, very weakly mind you.

"Alright now take a deep breathe 1, 2, 3 and 4. Ok sounds like you're doing better, minus the nasally breathing.

You can lay back down. Next I need your arm." He moved his arm up a little bit, I was able to slip on the blood pressure monitor.

"Luffy this thing is just going to tighten around your arm so try stay as calm as possible." I smiled, then started pumping.

I looked over at him, it looked like he was having a hard time staying awake, his breathing was a bit abnormal.

Also it looked as if he was struggling to keep a straight face, from pain maybe?

'You're blood pressure is still kind of low, oh Luffy.' I sighed and took off the monitor.

"Last thing." I smiled and pulled out a needle.

He took 1 look at it and fainted. "Oh well, it's easier this way when you don't struggle."

I stuck the needle in his arm, after injecting the antibiotics into his arm he woke up and tried to scream.

He couldn't, it just came out as muffled cries for help.

"Luffy! Luffy calm down, it was just a needle." I tried calming him down but he was struggling to much.

"Zoro, come quick!" I yelled sticking my head out the door.

Within a few seconds I could hear frantic footsteps run down the stairs. Zoro burst through the door demanding what was wrong.

A little out of breathe from sprinting over here, he asked. "What-what's wrong Chopper?"

"It's Luffy! Try and calm him down, if he struggles too much he could get hurt." I frantically explained.

Zoro dropped his swords and tackled Luffy to the bed.

"Luffy listen it's ok, you're safe. It was just a needle." Zoro looked over at me with the needle and ushered for me to put it away.

Zoro got Luffy to lay back down and rest. He fell asleep within a few seconds.

"He sure can fall asleep quickly.....hey Chopper ?" Zoro asked picking up his swords off the ground.

"I'm not sure, his voice was there before I called you in here. Then it just, disappeared." I looked down, packing up my stuff.

"Hmm, well good luck with that." He chuckled leaving the room.

"Hey! 'Sigh' well at least he's calmer now.

Words - 677

Well there's another chapter done :)

Luffy Gets Sick [ONE PIECE] SanjixLuffyWhere stories live. Discover now