Chapter 7

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We got to the castle around 11:30 pm. We were instructed to go straight to our rooms. My room was right all the way at the other end if the hall by the stairs. I walked in and ran into 2 maids.

"Oh my. I'm so sorry Lady Abigail!" Maid #1 said.

"No no. It was my fault" I said helping them up.

"Hi I'm Lisa . She's Cora and she's lily. We'll be serving you for the Selection lady Abigail." Lisa was probably the eldest. She was pretty for a maid. She has black hair and black eyes. Cora was my age and has blonde hair and soft brown eyes. Lily was the youngest of them all. She had long red wavy hair and had green eyes.

"Just call me Abigail"

"Since everyone has arrived late, we will be doing your makeover right here. What kind of look would you like. Do you want a sexy look, innocent look, or a daring look?" Cora asked me ruffling my hair. I thought about it for a while.

"I was thinking of a more natural look" I said. I talked to Cora as she did my hair with Lilly and Lisa. She gossiped with me, like we were best friends. Maybe I wasn't going to be so lonely after all.

They cut my hair so it was half way down my back. I used to have hair that came up to my hips but u decided that was you long. I looked at myself after they were done. I looked different. A good different. It made me look mature. More my age.

"Thank you! I love it" I said hugging them.

"Miss you really must be going to sleep. Tomorrows a big day" Cora said. They tried to put me in a nightgown but I refused. Instead I changed into sweat pants and an old volleyball shirt I had. Lisa insisted on watching me while I sleep. But I didn't let them. I found it quite weird. I stared up at the ceiling, not able to go to sleep. I couldn't stand it anymore, I need to get out of this room. I put on my converse and slipped out of my room to explored the palace. I was about to go back to my room before a door caught my eye. I pushed open the door and was immediately amazed by what I saw. It was a big music room. There were instruments everywhere. I walked over to a cello. I admired it's detailed structure. Before my mom died we were able to afford instruments. For Christmas mom bought me a cello. And every year by the fire in Christmas Day I would play. I picked up the cello and started playing. It was a long song and soon I got lost in the notes. I closed my eyes and just feel in love with this instrument all over again. I hit the last note and held it for a while. Then I heard clapping. I opened my eyes to find the prince and princesses staring at me in awe. Prince Aaron held Ava (the youngest princess. She's 3 years old) in his arms. Princess Blaire (prince Aaron's twin) stood next to Princess Amelia (10 years old) and Princess Alexis(14 years old).

"That was truly wonderful Lady Abigail" princess Blaire said. Her sisters agreed. But Prince Aaron just kept staring at me in awe.

"Aaron I'm going to go and take your sisters to bed. Why don't you escort Lady Abigail to her room" Princess Abigail said with a smirk. She left, leaving me alone with the prince.

"That was impressive" he said with a smile. "Where did you learn to play that well?"

"My mom taught me when I was 7 years old. I remember the cello was too big for me and I would always fall over" I said with a small laugh.

"Come on, I'll escort you face to your room." He said offering me his hand. I took it and walked back to my room with him.

"I see you don't like to wear dresses or heels" he said looking at me.

"Yeah I hate them. They're like modern day torture devices." I said laughing.

" Well goodnight lady Abigail." He said as he kissed my hand. " And make sure you don't tell anyone about this. You're not supposed to meet the royal family yet"

"Okay" I said smiling. I went back to my room and finally feel asleep.

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