Chapter 15

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We went back to the castle holding hands. I couldn't stop thinking about my mom. I'm pretty sure I was crying all the way back. We stopped in front of my room. He turned to face me and wiped away me tears.

"Look I know you just met your mom after 2 years. But don't you remember what she said? She said it wasn't safe to tell you. And I will do anything to make sure you're safe. Because I.... love you" He said. I was shocked. Out of 35 girls the prince loved me. I looked at his face. He had a smile on his face. He loved me. Prince Aaron Calix Schreave loved me. And I believe him. He wiped away my tears.

"Now let's go spend the rest of our day together having fun like we planned. Okay?" He said. I sighed before answering.

"Yeah" I breathed out.

We went horseback riding and then had lunch. After lunch we ended up playing video games on his tv in his bedroom.

"So you're telling me that you have never played a video game in your life?" I said wiping away tears from laughter.

"I know, it's kind of sad." He said laughing. "How do you even know how to play?"

"Aaron, I grew up with 5 brothers" I said emphasizing the 5. "Having 5 brothers comes with video games, football, and very dirty laundry." I said laughing. I couldn't stop.

Just watching him play was truly hilarious. I threw my controller to the side and and flopped back on his bed, still laughing. He sighed and finally gave up. He flopped back down on the bed.

"Let's do something we both can do" he said, playing with my hair.

"How about a movie?" I asked.

"And what would you like to watch, love" he said, still playing with my hair.

"Something with action, comedy, and.... romance" I said. He got up and popped a cd into the DVD player.

"What movie is it?" I asked him.

"I used to watch this with my family all the time. It was like a tradition to watch this each year." He said.

I watched the whole movie. By the time we finished, it was 1:00 am. Aaron was already asleep. I was never the girl who would fall asleep in the middle of a movie.

I sighed and got up. I pulled a blanket over him and turned off the tv. I silently closed his door and headed back to my room. I stopped half way to my room and sat down on a bench nearby. My shoes were killing me. I took off one of my shoes and was about to take off the other one before I heard a noise behind me. My instincts kicked in. I was not going to let the Rebels capture me again. I took the attackers arm and flipped him over my shoulder.

"Ow jeez" he said. I looked down at the person.

"Oh my god Mason, I'm so sorry. Oh my god I just judo flipped a prince. I'm so so so sorry" I said helping him up.

"Yeah well I don't blame you. So what are you doing here so late?" He asked. I could tell he was kind of in pain.

"Well Aaron and I were in his room-" I stopped when I noticed him raise his eyebrows and smirk at me.

"Not like that you idiot" I said slapping his shoulder and laughing. He gasped in pain.

" oh my god I'm so-" I started but he just laughed.

"You scared me!" I said clutching my heart. "But seriously do you need me to take you to the infirmary or something?" I asked. He shook his head. I stood there and crossed my hands.

"Seriously I'm fine Abby" I poked him in the shoulder. He flinched.

"No you're not" I said.

I made him take of his shirt and looked at the back of his shoulder. It was purple. I noticed something else on his back. It was a tattoo. It was in the shape of a star. My mom had the same one on her back. I didn't ask him what it was. I made him put his shirt back on.

"I am going to take you to the infirmary" I declared.I grabbed his arm and made him get up.We walked to the infirmary. The doctor took him into a room and I followed. I sat down on a chair while he sat on the bed.

"So are you ready for the black and white ball tomorrow?" He asked.

"What black and white ball?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. You were out with the prince aaaaall day" he said laughing. I laughed.

"Well what did I miss?" I asked.

"Nothing much. Just the fact that you had the whole day to design your dress. Ray was supposed to tell you but I'm guessing she didn't" he said looking at me.

"No she didn't! What the hell am I supposed to do?" I said,grabbing at my hair and pacing. "How am I supposed to design a dress by tomorrow?"

"Well maybe you should get started right now." He said. I nodded and grabbed a sheet of paper and a pencil. The doctor came in and checked on his shoulder. She told him it will heal soon. He handed him a tube of something and told him to apply it every night.

"How am I supposed to do that if I can't even reach it?" He asked.

"Well I suppose Lady Abigail can help" she said. I was still drawing. "Lady Abigail?"

"Hmm yeah I'll do it" I said still concentrated on sketching. They both laughed. The doctor left leaving us alone.

"Let's get you back to your room." He said. I sighed and stopped drawing. I got up and picked up the sketches. He tried to look at them but I hid them. He pouted.

"You're not going to get to see it until tomorrow" I said laughing. We walked back to my room in silence. It was peaceful.

I stopped at a corner when I heard voices. I stopped Mason. He looked at me with a questioning look. I put my finger on my lips telling him to be quiet. I listened carefully. I knew one of the Ray. I could make out her annoying voice from a mile away. I poked my head out to see who she was with. I was shocked to find Aaron kissing her. I just stood there shocked. Mason looked over there, clearly confused. Tears started spilling down my face. He turned to look at me. His face turned from confused to anger to sympathetic. He pulled me in for a hug. I cried into his chest. He took me back to my room.

"He spent the whole day with me. He told me he loved me! And what hurts the most is that I actually believed him! I promised myself that I wouldn't cry over another guy again!" I said as i cried into his chest. "Now look at me. I'm a mess. You have no clue how hard my life has been. I've starved and lived in poverty for most of my life. But that doesn't hurt as much as this"

"Shhh." Mason said he stroked my hair. "It'll be okay. You'll see." He laid me down on the bed and pulled my blanket over me. He handed my maids the sketches for my dress. I fell asleep the second I shut my eyes.

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