Karma II

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Focuses way more on Lorelai's side of things.

Lorelai walked out of the hospital at three am. She had been called in to assist with lab work and was now as exhausted as she'd ever been.

She walked down the street, holding her jacket tightly to her as she kept her eyes trained on the ground. It began to rain. Not rain, pour, and she didn't have an umbrella.

Lorelai picked up a newspaper, from the abandoned stand, leaving a quarter behind and tried to make it to the other side of the street, then a car came seemingly out of nowhere as though by magic but before it could hit her, someone grabbed her forearm and pulled Lorelai off the street so she was flush against him,

Tom stood over her, an umbrella out and she lowered the newspaper,

"You are insane." He said, still holding her forearm, "And a newspaper? A bit cliche,"

Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him. He looked ever the refined prince as he had even when she met him,

She cleared her throat, snapping herself out of her thoughts, and she pulled her arm out of his grip and hugged him,

"I appreciate the sentiment," said Tom, "But you're soaked," when she pulled away he used his free hand to push the hair out of her face and she nearly stopped breathing,

"I must have had a defective newspaper," she said, her eyes caught on his,

"That must be it," said Tom, his touch on her face lingering for a moment before he finally pulled away, he offered her his arm,

"But like you said, I'm all wet," said Lorelai, missing completely when he bit the inside of his cheek,

"Damage is already done, Lorelai," he said, and she took his arm, as he began to walk,

"Thank you," she said,

"You're welcome," said Tom, "I'll walk you back to yours,"

"Such a gentleman," she said, and he rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry would you prefer knight in shining armour? Or if you don't like gentle I could always say rough,"

Tom clenched his jaw at her words, not because he was angry but because of how his mind would contort her meaningless words later.

"That sounded wrong," she said, her cheeks tinting pink, Tom's eyes widened,

She was flustered. He'd made her flustered. He blinked and looked to the front again,

"How are you?" Asked Lorelai,

"I'm alright," he said,

"What are you doing out here at three in the morning?" Asked Lorelai,

"Saving lives apparently," said Tom who was promptly rewarded with the sound of her laugh, warmth flooded home from her touch as she held onto him more firmly. Not to mention the lingering feelings of having her body flush against his,

"That's meant to be my job," she said, "Haven't you seen my cape?"

"No. Must be at the cleaners." Said Tom, and she was smiling at him, as they neared her flat,

"I rather like you, Tom," she said, "I'll see you around?"

"You'll see me at dinner tomorrow night." He said, and she looked up at him and stopped walking, her eyes wide, "Or lunch, whenever you're free, I'll make time."

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