Nemesis to Ally

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Milena Sanchez hated Tom Riddle. The son of a bitch beat her in everything. Milena would spend hours studying and Tom would merely glance at the text book and he would score a higher mark than her on any test or quiz.

Tom seemed to have everything that was just out of reach for the Gryffindor. Perfect grades. Perfect hair. Perfect smile.

Milena was short, well if you called her that she might just scratch your eyes out, she preferred petite. You know something a little more classy. Her hair was a dark brown and so curly and wild that she thought it deserved its own cage at the zoo. Her skin was almost an olive tone, and she had freckles crossing her face.

She viewed herself as flawed. Well. Her mother did. The Sanchez's were a new money family, and in order to pass down said wealth to their descendents, there was no room for mistakes. Her father had worked his arse off to get from Cuba to London to marry a Spanish pureblood he had been in love with who was set on living in London. Emphasis on HAD.

When she had come home from her first year at Hogwarts, she had shown her father her 98 percent average he had looked at her disappointment evident in his eyes and asked where the other two percent was.

Her mother had spent the summer trying to find ways to tame the beast that was Milena's hair.

Imagine their reaction when they found out a no name boy from the school in her year had bested their not so precious daughter in everything. Milena honestly wasn't sure how they found out, she just knew that they had.

She knew it was wrong to hate someone just because they are taller than you, smarter than you, and well a man so they will get everything in life that you will be deprived of because of what you don't have between your legs,

But I'm getting off topic.

Milena Sanchez hated Tom Riddle.

"Are your eyes two different colours?" Asked Claire as they walked to class. Claire DuPont was her best friend and closest ally, well saying closest Ally just seemed so much classier.

It sounded like they were thick as thieves. Well they were, so it was all the more fitting.

"Are yours?" Asked Milena as they sat side by side in Transfiguration, and began pulling out their things,

"No, mine are so boring." Said Claire sighing, Claire was part Veela, and had the most beautiful deep blue eyes that Milena had ever seen.

"Imagine having eyes like the night sky, it must suck." Said Milena sarcastically as Claire fussed over her hair, braiding it carefully,

"Yeah but you just have more variety in your eye colour. Why pick one when you could have two." Said Claire, "Oh don't look now, but Riddle got more handsome over the summer."

"That little bi- Ow," said Milena as Claire tugged on her hair,

"Your mother said to try and prevent swearing as much as possible, and I had the opportunity," said Claire finishing the braid and arranging things on her desk so they were all in straight lines

Claire was a bit of a neat freak which is actually how she and Milena had become friends. Claire has spent three hours talking to her whilst trying to tame her hair.

"She likes you more than me," said Milena, looking at her friend amused as she tried to make the quill on her own desk balance upright,

"That's because I don't engage in silly endeavours like trying to get my quill to balance upright. Honestly, we have magic," said Claire, and Milena scowled at her and waved her hand and the quill remained upright, "Epic, such a cool party trick," Claire nodded smiling then proceeded to frown when Malfoy was in front of their table.

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