Chrissy and Ricky

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"I want a divorce." He said looking me in my eyes I knew it was no lie. I had nothing to hold on to. He just wanted out and he didn't want me. I feel heartbroken, no I feel like my heart was just yanked out of my rib cage and thrown in the bin. I reply the only way I can, "okay." Watching my babies father walk away, I stand wondering whether I should tell him about them or not. Do I change his life or leave it be. All I feel is numbness. How am I going to survive without him. I wanted to raise my children with their father. I got used to having him as my husband and now he's nothing to me. I wish I tried keeping him but if I did I'd be holding on to a ghost and as much as it hurts me right now I wish him all the best with his love.

I've never been one to break someone's relationship so that meant I'm not telling him. To distract myself with this divorce I've been getting baby stuff for these two. Slowly gathering baby clothes and items to decorate their rooms I see my future laid ahead. I was put on maternity leave early as I had a miscarriage scare, I made it my duty to get my eating and health up to scratch. I needed these two to be my purpose in life. This is what I did for the last 8 weeks.

Laying on the couch watching day dramas I mute the television and I begin talking to my babies. Realising I didn't name them I began saying names. "Do you like the name Amelia?" No response. "Charlotte?" Nothing. "Candice?" Nope. Thinking hard I remember my mother's name, "Christelle?" Kicking began. Christelle Mahalia Shirley. That's my baby girl. I wasn't going to rob them of their fathers last name. "Now you my boy, how does James sound?" No response. "Okay, Brian?" Nothing. Thinking of my father they start kicking and I knew it was his name. "So your Mr Enrique Alexander Shirley. So I have Chrissy and Ricky as my babies. Please help mum out when you come into this world." Still talking to my babies I think of Stephen with that girl. It guess it doesn't help that I know its supposed to be our 6 monthsary. Happy anniversary to me.


Since giving Athena the divorce papers I haven't been well. That was almost 9 weeks ago. Why the hell am I like this. Forever stuffed nose, sore head, never able to hold down food, and sweaty hot. Doctors tell me its just the flu. Harlie has been trying to make me feel better but she doesn't help. I want my life back. Mothers been a couple of times helping my out while Harlie isn't here. She's not happy with our divorce but there's nothing I want to do about it.

A few weeks later.

"STEPHEN ALEXANDER SHIRLEY YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO. WHY IS ATHENA ALONE DURING HER PREGNANCY?!" Mother yelled as she stormed through the door. She hasn't yelled at like that since I was 10. She didn't that when she found I got a divorce. Something big was going on. Wait did she just day pregnancy. After taking a few moments to get her breathe back. "Why did you leave her when she's holding your children. Athena is pregnant with my grand babies. Look." Mother hands my a pregnancy scan with Athena's name there. Two babies were there. I felt like I just died then and there. Why did I let her like that. So all that time there was that rumour going around, it was true. My babies. Our treasures. Feeling lost for words I ask her, "How?" I knew they had to be mine. I knew it had to be our wedding night. "I was in the hospital checking in the children's ward when I walk out and accidentally knocked a lady not knowing its Athena. Well she dropped her documents leaving one on the ground while apologizing. She must have noticed me because she ran off. I didn't see her face but I saw her stomach. Anyway I picked up the document and saw it was this" pointing at the scan in my hands, "and saw Athena's name there. I knew you did wrong." I just dropped to the ground.

"What have I done?"

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