A tiny friend~!FATHERS DAY SPECIAL!~

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(this is unedited)

Third-person POV:

"Chu!~" You smirked poking your orange-haired friend in the cheek, this has been going on for 30 minutes straight and to be honest, it was really starting to piss off the executive. Chuuya let out a low growl, "(Y/N)!! STOP!" He screamed out at you, you laughed "yeah yeah" you spoke sarcastically waving your hand around in the air. A few moments later you were back at it again...This didn't sit very well with your wine-loving friend "JESUS CHRIST (Y/N)! DO SOMETHING USEFUL FOR ONCE! GOD, YOU'RE SO USELESS" He lashed out at you, he never went that far...All you were doing was poking his cheek. Your eyes narrowed as his eyes widened realizing what just came out of his mouth, "no, (Y/N)- I- you're not!-"' you cut Chuuya off, "no-no. I get it. I'll leave you alone now, I'll go find something useful to do" You spat before putting your jacket on and dashing heading for the exit. Chuuya tried to run after you but to no avail, you were already gone.

"God...I'm so dumb..." The orange-haired man said quietly to himself as he sunk to the floor with his face in his hands.




He didn't mean it...Yet it's so true...No, no stop thinking like this! You're important! But that's only because of my ability...But at least that's something. You surrounded yourself in your thoughts as you walked around the beautiful city of Yokohama, you smiled softly to yourself chuckling a little bit. "Aha, it'll all be ok" you comforted yourself.


Your phone rang, you checked the caller ID, it was Chuuya. You sighed before picking up "yes?" You asked him "(Y/N)! I'm so sorry! I- I didn't mean it! Trust me! You're so important...I don't know what I would do you if you weren't here. Please, come back..." He apologized to you his voice drenched with worry and apologetic tones, you smiled you knew that apologizing was hard for him but he was very genuine. "I forgive you, I'll be right there." And with that, you hung up and started to walk back.

When you were walking towards the base you found a little child crying on the curbside, your heart broke as you ran to comfort the boy, there weren't any adults around him. "Are you ok?" You asked the boy as you squatted down to his level, he looked to be a toddler, the child cried as he shook his head vigorously "nuh-uh! My-" he hiccuped as hot tears ran down his cheeks "My mommy was!-" He hiccuped again, "these m-mean-looking men t-took her!" You hugged him and patted his back letting him cry "shh shh, it's gonna be ok. I'll help you find her! Would you like that?" You asked him as you pulled out of the hug, he nodded his head. You knew you should probably get Chuuya to help you with this so you started to walk to the Port Mafia's base with the child, yes it probably wasn't the best environment for a child- is what you would think if you weren't apart of the Port Mafia, unlike what you would think it actually was a very chill place and pretty child friendly (because of good old Elise-chan, idk if I used that correctly so I'm not gonna do that anymore until I figure it out;;)

Time skip

You and the boy had talked along the way and gotten to know each other, you learned his name was Zion and that he was 4 years old, he was very sweet. "Chu! I need your help!" You yelled out into the walls of the base, Chuuya ran towards you "I'm really sorry short-short..." You laughed "I forgave you! It's all okay" he nodded before noticing Zion, "who's the kid?" He asked you. You looked over to Zion before opening your mouth to speak "this is Zion, his mom got abducted by some men. I told him I would help him, we need to do this Chu" Chuuya sighed running his hand through his hair, "miss (Y/N)? Who's the short man?" Zion asked. You literally almost choked right there and then. "FOR YOUR INFORMATION I'M NOT SHORT! IN FACT. I'M TALLER THAN BOTH YOU AND (Y/N)!" Chuuya screeched as Zion just looked at him with a blank face, you fell to the floor laughing hysterically. Zion gasped "miss (Y/N)! Are you ok?!" He asked you worried that you were dying. You got up with a few chuckles here and there still "yes yes Zion, I'm good!"

Time skip

You were playing with Zion in the same room Chuuya was searching for Zion's mother for, "miss (Y/N)?" Zion asked you "yes?" You asked him "until we find my mommy, can you be my mommy?" He asked you, you grinned widely, this kid was too adorable "yes! Of course!" he smiled "yay!" You giggled at his cute child innocents "now all I need is a daddy!" Zion exclaimed happily, you opened your mouth "that is true! Why don't you pick out your daddy" you told him, Zion nodded happily, "what about the angry short man?" Zion said pointing over at Chuuya, your face exploded into a red color "o-only if he w-wants to..." You said looking over to the executive, Chuuya had steam coming off of his head "y-yes, I will be the f-father" he said turning around to look at Zion and you. Zion smiled so brightly it could put the sun to shame "now kiss!" Zion said clapping his hands together, both Chuuya and you had frozen in place, this kid... Chuuya thought to himself. "I-isn't that too much to ask of your fake mommy and daddy?!" You asked Zion, you could feel your face heating up more and more by the second. Zion pondered the thought for a bit before shrugging "I guess."

Time skip (you got Zion's mom back)

"Once again, thank you so much!" Zion's mother said waving as she and her son walked off, you smiled and waved as they left "bye bye miss (Y/N) and mister short man!" You could sense Chuuya getting annoyed, Zion had been calling him that all day after all. "That was so fun! I hope I see him again! He was so adorable!~~" You said happily, "short-short" Chuuya spoke up, "yes?" You asked him "do you think the mommy role could be yours and the daddy role could be mine for real someday?" He asked you with a heavy amount of blush on his face, your eyes widened as heat made its way onto your face "y-yup!"



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