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"A dream is a wish your heart makes."- Disney

Mary-Ann ran and ran and ran and did not look back it was more like a Sodom and Gomorrah moment without the pillar of salt.
Mary-Ann really grew fond of Damian, I'm guessing it's because he took noticed of her when no one else did. He saw her at her most vulnerable and didn't take or use it to his advantage. She found something in him that she couldn't get from her parents, a deep and raw emotion. That emotion being unconditional love. Though there were no deep life changing secrets being shared between the two they still had an intimate connection and it tore Mary-Ann apart to know that her insecurities were going to get in the way of her blessing, that blessing being a bright future with Damian, her Prince Charmin- -ew, no scratch that —Prince Charming sounds way too corny but you get the memo. I really can't believe I referred to Damian as a prince. It has come quite clear to me that I have been around you humans for far too long.
When Damian came back with his parents, Mary-Ann was long gone.

*Conversation breaks down between Damian, Moloch and Erlissa*

Moloch: " So son, where is this mademoiselle of yours? Ah let me guess she's here but only you can see her?"

Erlisaa: "C'mon Dear, Damian has already passed that imaginary friends phase of his life. I would hate to believe that she's not real, after all she's all our dear son speaks about when he's home. Well.. You would have known that if you were around here more often."

Damian: "Um guys.. I found a sho-"

Moloch:"Around here more? What are you getting at woman! Everything I do is for the sake of this famil-"

Damian: "uhh guys, I think this shoe belongs to Mary-Ann"

Erlissa: "Moloch the only time you're here is whenever Damian needs you, do you ever care about my needs, my emotions, my wants and desires? When was the last time you pleased me in bed? Exactly I thought so."

Moloch: "You're  such an ungrateful  stubborn human! How dare you ! Have you forgotten who I am?! How could you even say tha-"

Damian: "GUYS!"

Erlissa and Moloch together in unison:"Yes Damian!"

After getting his parents' attention, Damian went on into explaining to Moloch and Erlissa how he found a shoe and also elaborated on how he was sure and positive that it was Mary-Ann's. After hearing this news Damian's dad used his celestial magic and casted a locator spell on the left shoe, which eventually led them towards poorly emotional distraughted Mary-Ann.

"There you are, what happened? Are you okay my love?", asked Damian.

"I don't know what happened, but Damian do believe me when I say I was most ardent to meet your parents, then all of a sudden an unassuming anxious feeling drifted over me", retorted Mary-Ann.

Then Moloch got up and said;
"Son, back away from this human ! Do as I say boy! I can see right through her! The darkness has taken full control of her body, mind and spirit.  She has a grave evil buried and rooted in her very veins, in all my years I've never seen such malice and impurity. Damian, I'm afraid that you will have to end things with this lover of yours. No son of mine will be associated with no She-Devil!"

On the verge of breaking down into tears, Damian fell to his knees and pleaded to Moloch saying;
"But father! I beg of you to give me a chance, let me show you that she's not what you presume for her to be, for Mary-Ann is kind, loving, compassionate, and strong, her smile is an embodiment of the glaring moon in the starry night's sky which I have now carved on beyond the surface of my very own heart. I simply can not leave her alone, I beg of you to give us a chance, give me a chance to prove to you !"

Erlissa heart ached and crumbled for her son as she saw the discomfort in his face and heard the pain in his voice. She witnessed the type of pain that no mother would wish for their child . Holding back onto her tears she got down and held her son in her arms trying her very best to comfort him.

In that very same moment, after Moloch saw and understood how much his son cared for Mary-Ann.
Moloch got up and conjured up the pit of Malivore and a potion and then offered Mary-Ann an alternatum I mean an alternative sorry, you'd think I'd remember the word after telling this tale over and over.
Damian's father gave Mary-Ann the choice to either drink a potion that would demolish me forever but at the same time take away Mary-Ann's virtue, leaving no man on earth to ever want to sleep with her excluding his son. The other choice was to be consumed by the pit of Malivore where Mary-Ann and I would have to perform a duel of death, wherein only one of us would be set free.
Damian was extremely devastated by the choices which were proposed by Moloch to Mary-Ann.

I know that you are now saying that if you were in Mary-Ann's shoes that you would've chosen to drink the potion but what you don't know is that a female's virtue is an 'embodiment of glory and light which radiates grace, beauty and honour ', for that to be stripped away from a woman at such a young and tender age, it would result into her having a bitter filled life of anger, vengeance and spitefulness.
As these were really hard choices to make,
Mary-Ann had chosen to duel !
She stripped her body naked, and entered the pit of Malivore and became consumed . While in the pit, Mary-Ann and I were separated. I was now a spirit of darkness without a host and Mary-Ann well became Mary-Ann.. Since I was ripped away from her body I had no idea of what was going on in her mind but to this very day, I believe and hope that while we were in the pit of Malivore that she felt the freedom of a ten thousand slaves.
The duel was so very challenging , I must say that Mary-Ann did put up quite a fight for the chance of a new and peaceful life, a life without me. Mary-Ann fought and fought, giving it her all but it really hurts me to say that she was very unsuccessful in reaching the finish line, which gives me the ability to roam free and tell her story. After Damian, Erlissa, and Moloch saw no signal or sign of Mary-Ann coming out the pit of  Malivore they knew that the Darkness had won. Monoch then performed an incantation over the town of Mystic Falls erasing and clearing all memories of Mary-Ann, it was like she never existed.
Shakespeare once said that,
"Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once."-
the brave die the one death we all have while cowards "die" many times in their minds due to their fears which prevent them from "living."
Well my friends, this is the end of The Tragic but Beautiful Tale of our sweet and loving Mary-Ann, and I'm reminding you all to Live.

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