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"Feathers appear when angels are near. "

  It was now ten past the hour of  8 o'clock in the town of Mystic Falls . The sun had been utterly devoured by the horizon leaving the town in utmost complete darkness.  Mary-Ann was at a steady war with time and she was losing badly . It's true what they say, 'Time waits for no man.' . When she took notice of the duration of minutes she'd spent in the bathroom, she scurried out the shower and began making ready for the party . If anyone made mention to her about the fresh wounds on her body , she planned to articulate that she had received the scars from a nasty fall down the stairs .
        Mary-Ann didn't want to over dress for the party, the last thing she wanted was to be the center of attention. Moreover, she threw on a white long sleeved turtle neck shirt and chose a mustard overall to match  . She  accompanied her feet with a fresh pair of white Levis and later placed her natural hair in a high knot bun. Even with such a casual fit , she resembled some fine wine measured in time .
Mary-Ann looked absolutely stunning.
        Before leaving the room she aligned her pillows on her bed and covered them with her sleeping blanket in order to trick the naked eye into seeing something that wasn't there . Well I saw it as a waste of time on her part. For the reason being that, in all my years of knowing both Mr and Mrs Pierre they've never once took the initiative of checking up on their daughter at night time .
Mary-Ann always had to get through her episodes , nightmares and panic attacks by herself . This was one of the many things I admired most about her . Many teenagers turn to drugs and alcohol  in order to numb their pain before battling out their demons on the battlefield ; but Mary-Ann ? She didn't turn to any of them things. Now that's what you call strength.
    Mary-Ann dimmed the lights in her room and sealed the door behind her . Trying her best to remain hidden, she carefully tip toed down the stairs in search for Damian's phone number hoping that it would still be in the left pocket of his jacket .
    The stairs had led her straight into the living room , the scene of her brutality. If Mary-Ann could've commended and praised her parents for anything that Friday, it would definitely be how efficiently they managed to clean up after themselves. The room was spotless as there wasn't a speck of blood anywhere.
   Going deeper into the living room still maintaining her concealment , Mary-Ann stumbled upon a layer of white glowing feathers leading towards the front door of her home . She was flabbergasted ; ha ,
/ˈflabər-ɡast-ed /,  I've always liked that word .
The purity of the feathers gave me a nostalgic feeling , I wasn't too sure of what was going on but I knew for a fact that Damian was behind it ; for I had smelled that same pungent cleanliness when
Mary-Ann had sat next to him on the backseats of  school bus. It left me thinking , could the folklore and telltales of Mystic Falls actually be real ? Was Damian a supernatural being? and if he was , what was he ?
  Like a fool , Mary-Ann followed the path of the white glowing feathers , I guess she'd never heard that it was curiosity that killed the cat . The pureness of the feathers made me sick to my stomach , well I'm sure that's what I would have said if I had an actual physical body . But it did leave little holes in my dark entity.
    When the trail finally ended , a cloud of white magic dust blew into Mary-Ann's face ; knocking her out and weakening me , the dark force within her in the process.  As opposed to Mary-Ann , I still maintained full consciousness and remained watchful as her body floated deep into the forest .

The Tragic but Beautiful Tale of Mary-Ann .Where stories live. Discover now