My Dream Guy

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Hi everyone this is to help me with my stories and something I've noticed and wanna see if it's like everyone else ok what is your type .. boys and girls can answer so it's far here is mine ..

My dream guy is ....

Someone who loves me and shows they love me not just says it 

Someone who would rather drink with me than drinking at a pub 

Someone who wouldn't make me do something I don't want to  (like going out for a walk, or to the shop's stuff like that)

Someone who will listen about everything and anything even if they don't like it 

Someone who likes some of the things I like or if they don't give it a shot (like a show or a band)

Someone who is there when I need them

Someone who sees me 

Someone who loves me for who I am and not who they would like me to be 

Someone who is mean but is sweet as well

Someone who isn't clingy all the time 

Someone who won't push me to show affection in public 

Someone who will make me happy 

Someone who will help me calm down when my anxiety plays up

Someone who will motivate me to do what people call simple tasks (like showering or taking out the trash. I find doing these hard because of my depression and anxiety) 

Someone who like rock music and horror/ thriller movies

Someone who wouldn't mind hugging me even if I haven't showered in a couple of days or longer

Someone who will be there to pick me up when I fall 

I do love shaggy black hair but it's not a deal-breaker  (I like running my fingers through peoples hair) if he dyes his hair that's cool too. 

I don't care about eyes colour or skin colour

He can have tattoo's or piercings but it isn't a deal-breaker if he doesn't 

I like guys who are hardworking

I would like for him to be able to draw but if he can't that's ok (I would love an amazing drawing from a guy) 

Someone who reads my stories so if I'm stuck he can give me ideas or try to help

Someone who will put up with my dirty mind and jokes (I not a lovey dovy kind of person so I make jokes when it turns out like that) 

I'm not the kind of person who needs to hear I love you every day, anyone can say the words but it takes real love to show it.

                  Know is the real question have you ever dated a guy like that? 

No, I haven't not all of it really. 

I think every boyfriend I've had hasn't been there when I needed them the most

I had a boyfriend who was clingy and I really didn't like it

I haven't had a boyfriend who sees me, they always seem to see other people first 

I've had some boyfriend who likes the same music as me well some of the music I like same as movies 

Not once showed me, said it a lot but not shown it 

I had a boyfriend who had cancer he went a got a tattoo of me on my knees with my head down and black wings, I was wearing a purple dress, it was so sweet I was so touched (I asked someone to draw an anime version of it and they did but I lost it which is upsetting, if someone would draw it again for me I would love that) 

So the guys I've dated haven't been my dream guy but can you really say you'll find your dream guy no but I would like someone who is very close to my dream guy.

ok guys your turn please comment your dream partner and tell me if anyone you have or are dating is close to that dream person or the completely different from your dream partner.

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