This Year Sucks

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This year sucks so far I'm not joking and it's only January *Sighs* 

I have been in nothing but pain mostly this year and I have been trying to get the doctor to help me but he can only give me painkillers until  I get a new test done.

That's why I haven't been on writing yet and it sucks so much, I couldn't get my laptop or anything so yeah been hard and couldn't do much but that's not all.

My sister kat was talking to my boyfriend and then told me he wanted to break up with me so me and him ended up arguing again but he didn't say that he said he doesn't think he could do long distance anymore so kat took that the wrong way but when I read before that and after that I could see he didn't mean we were breaking up ....

Know he is off and told me he needed time ... whatever that means I have no idea what that means before I haven't been in a relationship for this long :( so I don't know what that means )

He never sees how I feel about him or anything like that and I guess I don't tell him all the odd things I do so ... yeah *Sighs* Idk what is happening anymore 

Everything is so messed up and idk what is going on ... idk what needs time mean so if anyone can tell me that would help me a lot.

I only ken from movies and they end up breaking so ..... *Shrugs* 

Kat did text Caleb and apologised but he hasn't been on and ... yeah he might be on for a long time 

And well my birthday is coming up next Thursday .... he probably won't be on if he needs time so yeah last year he picked a fight with me on my birthday and this year  I don't think he will even be on 

So yeah so far this year sucks already and it's only just begun 

Me and Kelly fell out so I can't talk to her, kat feels really bad about the misunderstanding so yeah, she is worried she broke us up but Idk what is happening because he didn't talk it through with me he ... had to go *Fakes a smile* but it will be ok whatever happens. 

I feel like the world is against me but Caleb made it clear that It's because I let myself be a victim or something like that *Looks down then fakes smiles again* Alright enough about that 

Asha asked me to help her out, she wants me to be in a group for career's and try to help them as much as I can or at least listen to them. I like the idea of helping other people like me, maybe take them out and stuff. She wants me and this other woman to take over the group when we are ready and it will help me as well and I will still get family counselling and one on one as well.

What else can I say oh I'm so into bts just know they are so amazing, Jung kook is my favourite but I love v, Suga, rap monster, J-hope, Jimin and Jin... I love their music, dance moves, video, personalities, plus they are so handsome. I'm fangirl over them and are getting as much stuff of theirs as I can *Smiles real this time*. Bts is in the picture on the top just in case you don't know them and yes they are a k-pop group, the only k-pop I like and I will only like. I didn't like k-pop before bts and thanks to my big sister I love them hehe.

I like seeing all the different songs, video and clips with them in it haha crazy yes but it's alright. Today they were playing in all the cinemas in the UK but I didn't have the money to go see it :( it sucks I would love to see the love yourself tour in the cinema but I do hope they bring it out on dvd so I can see it and watch it then watch it again and again and again *Laughs* as much as I want too and lend it to my sister Nikki cause I will prob get it first then she would get it when she can and bug her other half with it hahaha. 

                                                    Well that's it for know bye

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