Bad Weekend

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This weekend was so bad, Hayden was unreal this time. he was so moody. 

He said something to upset me, he made me cry and not cry of happiness like really cry 

He said something that hurt me like hell.

He was ... I have never see him like that

He's normally so good for us but not this time

dissing people , grumpy, not sleeping until after 1am, not doing what he's told 

I normally feel happy when hayden is here but no this time I was down, my body didn't wanna move at all, I was so down and omg I need to drink

wish kennady or beau or caleb was on to help me but they weren't haven't been on for awhile 

He's away home know and I still can't relax with everything he's done this weekend 

I need someone to help me :( but don't think anyone is going to be on today or tonight 

                                   *lays on my bed and sighs* 

                Someone talk to me, I'm bored and loney 

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