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I leave Midvale and go back to Scottsrun to my dear beloved boyfriend.


Shawn and I didn't really argue alot but we barely spoke we had communication disorders and it started to really show a few months ago. But ofcourse I over looked it.

We've been together for two years well our two year anniversary will be next Friday. In all our  time together I never asked him to move in with me and whenever he asked me to stay with him I would turn him down. I wasn't ready for all of that, I hated living with men, they are messy half the time, and I wasn't going to be any house wife for anyone.

Shawn works a reasonable paying job at a bank, that's how we met actually when I was making a disposition for the company. That story doesn't matter, what matters is I thought I owed it to myself to have something real with someone special, and I was afraidb to really open up my heart to someone for it to be broken again.

Thinking about this made me realize I was just using Shawn as a distraction from my feelings. It wasn't working, we weren't even having sex, which was the hard part for both of us, I told him I was going to wait until marriage or whatever but who am I kidding? I just really didn't want to sleep with him.

I'm flashed back to reality and the road ahead when a message came on my phone. It was from Shawn......

Shawn: Come straight to my house when you're back I need to talk to you.

I was planning on going to the office but it's late anyway, so I decided to go to his place.

Deep down inside I wanted this to be over and done with.

I was wrong...

I knocked on the door and he opened it gesturing for me to come in.

"Smells nice what are cooking?" I asked him.

"Who me? No I didn't cook. I ordered food"

I ignored him looking around his house, this place was disgusting. I've rarely been here because I was afraid to see this sight.

"Your place is a mess" I said bluntly not caring if I hurt his feelings or not. He didn't respond he just lead me to the kitchen the sink was filled with dirty dishes and there was Chinese food on the table, I gagged at the sight of the food.

"What's wrong?" He asked me. I shot him a disgusted  look.

"You know I hate Chinese food" I rolled my eyes. He just pointed to burger and fries at the other end of the table. And I smiled I was hungry and I had to eat, but I didnt, I looked into the burger and it was filled with mayonnaise, I was allergic and he didn't even know that. I dropped the burger back into the table and got a wipe from my bag and cleaned all evidence from my hand.

"Amy whats the matter with you?" He was trying to be calm about my attitude.

"I'm allergic to mayo" I face palm.

"Sorry I-" I cut him off

"Forget it. Now why did you call me here?"

"Oh right." He paused and came closer to me holding my hands, he was quiet and I was wondering what he had up his sleeve. Then he knelt down on one knee and popped a beautiful ring. "Amy Burke, will you marry me?"

My eyes opened in shock. This is the best way he could propose, and he barely even knows me. I must have taken too long to answer because he asked again.

"Amy are you going to answer me?"

"No" I said maintaining a straight face "No I don't want to marry you. Good night" with that I turned around and left without looking back. I got in my car and went straight home.

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