The Girl

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A/N: welcome to another sexless chapter. Enjoy!

She knew, she knew from their first encounter that they'd be great for each other. Two damaged teenagers working to fix each other for the better? Not a bad idea. That fire she had when she came in the car, Even in her worst moments she managed to lighten the mood. But there was so much behind her smile that she wished to know more about, there was so much Jessica wanted  to tell Amy that night. But, until she was sure about there friendship that won't happen. Now.

Jessica slept on the couch in my room since she refused to sleep in the guest room alone

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Jessica slept on the couch in my room since she refused to sleep in the guest room alone. Saying she didn't want anyone to stubble on her in there and any one got hurt. I just thought she was dramatic about the whole thing when she went on and said "it happens almost Everytime". This chick got a really bad past, I just really wanna explore it. She's guarded she won't let me in that easily so I'll wait on her.

We watched a movie, laughed ate and talk all night until she fell asleep. For a smart mouth she's really peaceful when she sleeps, that worried look on her face when I first met her is suddenly gone, in one night. I can't help but stand there and take in her beauty I forgot to ask her why the red tips though. It'll be the first thing I ask in the morning, but for now I'll just cover her with one of my blankets and go to bed.

I woke up to the sound of someone kicking and and screaming "help me? Help me!?" I turned on the lamp for a little light to see what was going on

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I woke up to the sound of someone kicking and and screaming "help me? Help me!?" I turned on the lamp for a little light to see what was going on. To my surprise I was awake it wasn't my nightmare it was, hers?
I didn't think twice before rushing to her side to calm her down. I didn't wake her up she might have rebuked what I did next.
I placed her head on my lap, and softly stoke my hand threw her wavy thick hair, the volume of her hair was amazing I couldn't get enough of it, and it smelt like my shampoo. She washed her hair with my shampoo? I smiled at the thought.
I continued to run hand threw her hair, humming, I was humming a song my sister used to sing to me when it was time for bed and I couldn't sleep. I stopped humming and started singing when I noticed she was drifting away to lala land, I didn't know it then but I was dozing off too.

My alarm went off louder than ever

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My alarm went off louder than ever. I didn't know where my phone was, but it was in the couch. Somewhere.
Jessica woke up too, but she was cursing saying the most colourful words.

"Jessica! Shut the fuck up, it's my phone get up and look for it, you must have been sleeping on it" I tell wanting the alarm to go off as much as she did.

She threw the phone my direction and I turned it off and sat back down.

"What are you doing in the couch? You fell asleep here too?" She asked me her voice calm and pale.

"No I went to my bed. You- uhmm you" I trialed off

"Oh shit, I had a nightmare didn't I?" She asked as if it was regular.

"Yeah, yes you did. You wanna talk about it?" I asked her trying as hard as possible to look like I care. I don't know if I do or don't. I mean I just meant the girl and she seems quite a fuck able type of girl. But I want to get to know her before my tongue reaches the back of her throat.

"No, no I don't" she has more to say I sat still staring at her waiting for her to go on. She got up and threw the covers off her, she was practically naked under there, she went over to the window and opened it. I never open that window in the morning or sometimes never. "I am not your cup of tea to worry about Amy. I'm not your, little sister or your best friend, I don't need you acting like you care about me cause you don't." She wasn't shouting but she was angry I could tell.
All I need was try to see what was going on in that head of hers.

I answered her in the calmest way possible still watching her almost perfect body.

Yeah I said almost

"Jess? I- I have nightmares too, but I can control how I react over mine. I can't control what happens in them not yet, Lucas said it's my dream and I can control the outcome of it" I stopped noticing what I said "oh shit Lucas!!! Jessica where's my phone?"

"It's right there dumby" she answered face palming.

I took out my phone and called Lucas seeing a whole lot of miss calls. It went to voicemail so I left a message.
"Hey Lucas, it's me. Sorry about not telling you that I was home in one piece, I have someone for you to meet. But not yet, when I sort this shit out first, give me a call and I'll come see you later?" I hung up

"Who is Lucas?" She asked

"No, I'm not telling you that" I answered with a smirk.

"But in curious"

"Curiosity killed the cat? You wanna die?"

"No!?" She paused "so about your nightmares"

"Yeah, we're done talking about that stuff I really can't have another nightmare conversation. Especially not with someone who's having them" I said walking out of the room.

"I'm going to go get my things and maybe sort out things with my boyfriend well maybe ex, whatever" she said looking at her phone."I was really hoping I wouldn't have to go back to me parents house"

"You can stay here until my parents come back, I'll let them know your crashing here for a while" I offer hoping I won't regret this.

"Are you serious?" I nod "ohkay thanks Amy" she hugs me why is she hugging me let go red head!

"If you come back from your mans place and don't see me here don't wait up might stay at Lucas' tonight. I really need some dick to calm me the fuck down and he's only in town for today he leaves for work tomorrow morning bright and early."

"So your not gonna tell me who this Lucas is?" She asked talking my orange juice carton out of the fridge and holding it to her head. Who does that? Wait I do.

"Nope" I toss her a key from off the kitchen island and tell her that's the key for the front door and she better not loose it. "I have class in a few, I'm going to have a bath, and get the hell outta here"

She looks at me and smiles. I'm afraid of what she's gonna say next "not if I beat you to it!" She runs pass me and straight to the bathroom she goes. Unbelievable. She knows I won't use my parents bathroom or the guest bathroom cause I'll probably have to clean em both and I'm not in for that. I just try and straighten my room, from the fiasco last night.

After all of that we leave the house and head for the car. I drop her off at the mall on my way to school, she's in my clothes since here's is stink is liquor and she just threw it in the was as if it's her place.

I think Jess and I might get along quite fine.

A/N: thank you for reading my lovelies! Please don't fight me for my gay characters.
I really don't feel like reading it over so if there are any corrections bare with me.

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