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Here we are back with the results of One Shots (OS)

Thank you pahul_gpk herbertlamp and ansha_malkan for  judging the OS categories of The Samaina Fanfiction Awards.

1)A NEW BEGINNING by Doraashi

Title: 3.5/5 (Could have been more Interesting)

Cover: 2.5/5 (It lacked Creativity)

Blurb: 5.5/10 (Should have been bit more descriptive)

Grammar and Spelling: 10/10 (Perfectly Written)

Originality/Uniqueness of the Plot: 17/20 (Quite Simple and Common)

Characterisation: 10/10 (Perfect)

Flow: 10/10 (Perfect)

Plot and Character Development: 18/20 (Beautifully Written)

Overall: 7/10

TOTAL: 83.5/100

A Short Review: There are a couple of One Shots on this topic but what made this one different was Sameer wearing Nanu's Clothes which was really Heart Melting. However, I found that in the end it lacked an appropriate presentation of Mama-Mami and Mr. Somani's reaction.

This story is Accepted.

2) Ruhani Rishta NeeSaj79

Title: 2.5/5
(It could have been more intresting.)

Cover: 3.5/5
(It's too simple yet apt for the story.)

Blurb: 7/10
(It is a good description but you could have made it more intresting.)

Grammar and spelling:9.5 /10
(There's minor mistakes,else everything is perfect.)

Originality of plot or how unique is it: 18/20
(The plot is unique and intresting.)

Characterisation: 8/10
(It's nearly perfect but coupd have been more explained .)

Flow: 10/10
(The story is weaved beautifully.)

Plot and character development:15 /20
(The charecters are not described properly.)

Overall:8 /10

A short review.

It is a beautiful story with unique plot but you should have given a proper details of the charecter.You should have left some space after each paragraph so that it gets easier for the readers to read.

This book is Accepted.

3) Philocalist by NeeSaj79

Title: 4/5
(Its a unique title but you could have named the story something different.)

Cover: 2/5
(It's too simple could have been more attractive.)

Blurb: 7/10
(Could have been more interesting.)

Grammar and spelling: 10/10
(There is no mistakes.It's Perfect.)

Originality of plot or how unique is it:19.5 /20

(It's a very unique story.I have never read any story with such amazing plot.)

Characterisation: 7/10
(It could have been a bit better.You could have given a proper charecter development in the story as I felt your story started with the plot directly without any proper  introduction.)

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