TS/FS First Round Results

95 6 4


Title: 4/5
Cover: 1/5
Blurb: 10/10
Grammar and spelling: 9.5/10
Originality of plot/uniqueness: 18/20
Characterisation: 10/10
Flow: 10/10
Plot and character development: 19/20
Overall: 9/10

A well-written story though based on a slightly common track. The blurb is truly well-written and exact. Perfect Characterisation, to the point emotions and good use of humour.
It would be great if you could get a cover done for your story.
But a great job at the TS indeed. It made me frown, made me a bit sad, made me happy and made me laugh as well. I personally loved this one.


2)The Unexpected Match by SamainaStoryBooth

Title: 3.5/5 (can be more catchy)

Cover: 4/5

Blurb;7/10 (can be more descriptive)

Grammar and Spelling: 6/10

Originality of the plot or how unique it is: 15/20

Characterisation: 5/10

Flow: 7/10

Plot and character development: 14/20

Overall: 6.5/10

A short review:

Plot seems like a bit unrealistic. Feelings seems to be rushing like Sameer proposed Sunaina and as a result faced a heart break. But the  another day he proposes Naina. Feelings require time to develop for anyone and you have shown it in a very quick manner. Also you can put the dialogues and quotation in inverted commas and use commas so that readers don't get confuse between the dialogues of two people. The concept is good just look into the above points.

Not Accepted.

3)ZIDD by shivu-930901
Title: 4/5
Cover: 2.5/5
Blurb: 4/10
Grammar and spelling: 6/10
Originality of plot/uniqueness: 11/20
Characterisation: 5/10
Flow: 7/10
Plot and character development: 15/20
Overall: 5/10

Short description:
The title is apt but could have been better.No proper blurb is written.The flow of story was bit rushed.There are some grammatical errors which you can rectify by proofreading.Good luck next time.

Not Accepted.

4)Adhoore Se Hum by RishikaShrivastava

Title: 4/5
Cover: 4.5/5
Blurb: 8/10
Grammar and spelling: 8/10
Originality of plot/uniqueness: 11/20 Characterisation: 9/10
Flow: 5/10
Plot and character development: 15/20
Overall: 7.5/10

Short Description:A well written story but I felt that you had rushed the plot.The transition phase was not well explained or written in detail.Even the plot was a common one.I liked the way you developed the characters of the story.


5)Lost and Found by Doraashi
Title: 4/5
Cover: 2/5
Blurb: 7/10
Grammar and Spelling: 9/10
Originality/Uniqueness of the Plot: 19/20
Characterisation: 10/10
Flow: 10/10
Plot and Character Development: 19/20
Overall: 8.5/10

A Short Review: So far, one of the most beautiful storylines based on the 'paper stealing issue'. The title is really apt but is a bit common. I would recommend you to get a beautiful cover made for this piece of work as a simple image with not so good font of title will make you lose marks. The blurb was quite nice but could have been more intruding and more exciting. The writing portion was all okay with no grammatical error, but there were punctuation errors at certain places with wrong spacing as well. Each and every character was utilised properly and none of it seemed to be there just for the sake of including them. The flow of events one after the other was very fluent with a proper pace maintained throughout. All in all it was an amazing book to indulge in which will keep you bound to it till the end, and you'll still crave for more. The only places to work upon are the cover and blurb with a little attention on punctuation.

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