Diane's part 6

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After what happened that day I felt like I had to be closer with that girl for some reason, maybe it is because it is my neighbor or I bullied her since the beginning of high school, but when I remember the situation that some douchebag stepped and made the dummy fell I feel really angry and I think that throwing him on the ground and kicking his balls wasn't enough, some will say that is some sense of protection towards that brat, but I don't know, even thought I protected her I still think she's dumb.

I look after her before and after school, but I try to disimulate that I'm on my own business and I don't want to have anything with her or anyone, she has no clue that I try to aproach to her this way... Honestly I also have no clue of why I do this on the first place, it might be that for some reason I want to see her?

I've been watching my mom recently and she's been really close with Astreed's mother, she goes and stays at her place, they eat together, sometimes I see from my window that she is on the couch with her drinking sometimes,  I think is pretty weird that your mom spends time with the mother of the girl you bully, but honestly I shouldn't get involved in that, bacause it is not my problem at all-

Maybe she likes her...

I also had my moments with that girl's mom, when I don't go to school and for some reason I'm passing by her place she invites me to come inside and drink something, sometimes I say no and sometimes I accept her invitation, she makes a fabulous tea and of course she makes me some, such a nice lady, most of the times I stayed there until Astreed comes home, when she arrives and sees that I'm there she simply goes directly to her room to avoid me, what can I say, she's always been a weirdo.

Today wasn't an exception, and this time I was drinking tea with my mom and Astreed's on the kitchen, they were having a good conversation but I was only there to drink some of that delicious tea, sounds bad but I actually say thanks like a houndred times to show some respect towards her, that day I didn't go to school but I saw this morning from my room's window that Astreed went, and of course this is the time that she arrives.

M -Oh hi honey, you finally came back.

A -Hi mom.

M -Diane cam to visit us as you can see.

D -Hi.

A -Oh, ok.

As nervious as always, she is definetly uncomfortable with my presense, but I don't blame her, she is also sometimes kinda predictible, how did I know this, simple, I could see that she wanted to go to her room as soon as possible, and she did.

A -I'm going to my room.

M -Ok, you must be tired.

And after she left I didn't do much, just finished my tea while I heard these two ladies talking, they look pretty together. But one of them started to talk to me, in this case Astreed's mom.

M-Hey, could you do me a favor?

D-Yeah, of course.

M-Why don't you go up there and play some videogames with Astreed, she has that console called ps4, besides, you're the only person of her age apart from her that has ever visited us, so why don't you go and have fun with her?

D-Ok ma'am.

I went to her room to do as I was ordered to, so she can spend some time with someone and also stop being a weirdo for a minute, I entered her room and saw that she was on her bed trying to sleep, she must be tired, I should let her sleep and rest a little bit, but I'm her bully, so....


And she got scared, like if she just saw a ghost.

-HOLY FUC.. hi Diane...

-Sorry if i woke you up, your mom said you got a ps4

-She did?

-Yeah... So you have it?

-Well yeah, but I don't use it in like 6 months

I saw that the console was kinda dirty and with a little bit of dust on it, but not something that bad.

-Can I see which games you have.

-I only have Mortal Kombat and Gran Turismo.


I saw the games and decided to put insert the fightning one into the console and grabbed a control, but I remembered what her mom told me, she might not want to play alone the whole time I spend here.

-You got a second controller?

-Uhm.. yeah.

-You ever played with someone? I know that you don't have friends, so it's strange you have two controllers if you don't have anyone to play with you.

-No, I actually use both, I just switch them when one of them runs out of battery.

-Ok, so in that case, wanna play?

She was a little nervious after I asked her that, and I saw a little blush on her cheeks, but she accepted anyway.


She grabbed the second controller and started playing with me, I could see that she wanted to ignore me and she was just focused on her game, because of this she won... every... single... match.    HOW?

-How come are you really good at this?.

-I don't know, sorry if it bothers you.

-Why do you say sorry for that? is stupid, just keep playing.

And we kept like this for half an hour more until I finally gave up, she is definetly a professional in this game, I paused and laid on her bed to relax a little bit, and also because I didn't want to play anymore, I'm so frustrated.

-AAAAARRRHHHHHGG, ok you win, I give up


-Whatever, it was nice playing with you, I think you have a hidden talent

-I don't really know about that

-Whatever you say.....


-Listen, you're not as bad as I tought, it was fun playing with you, but it's getting late, I'll see you another day.



After saying this and leaving her with a little nerviousism I decided to leave that place. Yeah, I never tought I would say any of those words, but I'm not going to lie, it is kinda nice to play with her.

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