Part 20 (final)

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Astreed's POV

The table was served with 4 plates on it, each one of them had two toast with smashed avocado, ham, cheese and an egg on it, on the middle of the table was a jar full of strawberry juice, most would say that this is more like a breakfast but it is ok for me, we sat on the table and started to eat right away, none of us said a word since we were hungry as hell, after we finished our plates my mom started talking to us.

V-Was it good, girls?

A-Yeah, thank you mom.

D-It was delicious, ma'am.

C-And that's not it, the dessert is coming, just wait two minutes and it'll be ready.

After Claire said this my mom went straight to the kitchen to apparently get something out of the oven.

C-So, did you like the lake Astreed?

A-Yeah, I didn't know it was that good, thank you very much for inviting me.

C-I guessed so, anyway, is the room that we gave you good for both of you?

D-Yes it is mom.

I saw that at the distance that my mom was coming back from the kitchen, I could see that she was also carrying a big plate with the dessert, it was a big brownie, enough for 4 persons and on top of it it had vainilla ice cream, when it arrived we were already serving our plates with pieces of dessert, during this my mom stepped on my shoe because apparentely I was taking a really big part for me and I had to stop doing it.




The minutes passed and the plates were already empty, but our stomachs were full, everyone of us sitting on the table were satisfied with the dinner, we stayed like that for a while until Claire took every single plate andwent to the kitchen to leave them on the sink and came back to our direction.

C-Ok girls, we cooked and you wash the dishes, I'm tired so goodnight.

D-Goodnight mom.

V-Astreed, do the dishes and don't stay up so late, ok?


Our mothers went downstairs to their rooms, I mentioned earlier that they had separated rooms but I think I saw mom getting into Claire's room, but I didn't give it much importance, I had to do the dishes, I thought it would be easy but when I saw that on the sink they had the dishes not only from the dinner and dessert but also from the lunch I got dissapointed, the sink was full and we would spend quite a time washing and getting dry all of that, but it's not that bad. When I started to wash the plates, cutlery and pots, I wasn't going to complain that way the time will go by faster, but suddenly Diane was also washing the dishes on my side, making this long and boring job into something I would enjoy, of course as long as I'm with her.

The water felt cold in our hands while we were cleaning the dishes with the sponges full of soap, each one of us had a sponge so the job can be quicker, most of the times our hands would find each other by accident since we were working on the same sink, I didn't say anything when this happened but you can be sure that I was enjoying those touches, so much that when we were finishing I was trying to touch her hand by "accident".

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