Chapter 22. If I Loose You

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 ~ August 22 ~ 1965 , 10:37 p.m. 

I haven't seen Soda since the 7th of August. I'm walking home from a late night walk. Dally has been drinking, and yelling at me. The least i could do is take a breather outside.  I'm not sure what got into him. All I knew is that Dally hasn't been the same. Soda hasn't called, and I haven't seen Pony or Steve. Steve...I haven't seen in nearly a month, and Ponyboy...2 weeks. 

I know I've said this a lot, but i feel like it needs to be said one last time. I begin to remember the time i was with Soda, and I had to think to choose between my lover, or brother and friends. No, I'm not ready for that decision. No, I'm not going to choose based off on facts they give me. I'm not going to choose. Feeling alone is something i felt for years. Yes Dally was there for me, but not at times I wish he had been. Even though I haven't seen Soda. I still keep his sweater. 

I finally reach my house after my walk. I hear yelling inside. At that time I thought to myself that it was just another person Dally had trouble with. As i was about to open the door I heard someone yell out " You Fucken Bitch!" I then opened the door, but as i did Dally and Soda fell out the door. Dally on top of Soda Punching him. At first I was surprised to see Soda.

I then tried pushing Dally off of him, he kept pushing me back. I began to get angry and started yelling at Dally that i started crying. " Get off of him!! WHAT THE HELL DID HE DO?!!!!" I finally got Dally off, but when i did i saw a gun in Dally's front pocket. i then yelled again, but then started crying even more. " why can't you guys just get along!!...i just want you to get along..." I covered my face with my hands crying. I wanted to yell again, but couldn't

I saw Dally pull his gun out of his pants. He then started running down the street. I then started running after him. Soda tried to grab my arm telling me not to follow him, but i did anyways. Dally then stopped facing me with the gun pointed to his head, he was breathing heavily. I was pretty far but i tried to run as fast as possible. I was about to reach for the gun when Dally said softly to me." I'm sorry..." 

As i was about to get the gun Soda pulled me away and made me face him while holding my head to his shoulder. I then heard the gunshot. During that time all i could think of is Dally. I stood still for a second then pushed Soda back. I then said the Soda " get away from me....get away from me!!!" I push soda harder than before. I then turn around and see Dally on the floor. I begin to cry while running to Dally. 

I place my hand on his head, there was so much blood. I put my forehead against his I started crying too hard that I couldn't breath. I then looked over at Soda just standing there. I then stand up and start yelling at Soda. " why!!! I could have saved him!! " Soda interrupted me and said           " Brodi you don't understan-" I yelled over him while screaming in his face. "You FUCKEN BITCH!!!" I look at him and cry even more. " we are over!!" 

I then punched Soda in the face as hard as i could. I start running down the street in the other direction, to the tree in the park. When I was running there i dropped Soda's sweater on the ground. Everything felt so different, everything was cold, everything was blurry. I lost everything...

Jean Jacket.    (14+)Where stories live. Discover now